
StarWars: The Force Unleashed for Xbox or Wii?

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Should I buy The Force Unleashed for the 360 or for the Wii? The Xbox360 will have better Grahpics and Gamerpoints... but the Wii will have the obvious advantage of the cool motion sensor built into the controller for the lightsabre and force powers.




  1. I say you should get the 360 and I'll get the Wii and we'll play at each other's places.  Just remember the Wii will have better multiplayer.  Also you should vote me best answer so I get more points!  LOL!  I bet you hate it when people say that.

  2. I would strongly suggest the wii version. I have seen many videos for this game and even the producers of the game say that the wii one will be much more fun than on any other platform.

    If you want the graphics to be a little bit better, ge it for xbox, but if you want to play the game like no one else can, get it for wii.

    I, myself, really don't care about graphics and would rather a game be fun than look good.

  3. hmmm ill give you what i think on both consoles

    Wii: The motion sensing will be great (if it works :/) an im sure the graphics wont be too bad. the ai will be a little diffrent from 360 and online wont be as good.

    Xbox 360: the graphics are going to be great. the physics also. im sure gameplay will be good as well as online. i think wii will have better game play if the wiimote works, and the 360 will have better graohics and online. Good Luck and hope i helped!

  4. Sadly, I believe you would be better off with the 360 version. Sure, the Wii will offer some interesting controls, but it is still somewhat limited. The 360 has more buttons which enable you to control the gameplay a lot better. Also, the graphics and whatnot are going to be a heck of a lot better on the 360.

    My rule of thumb is this: if a game comes out for both the Wii and another next-gen system, and you own both systems, get the one for the next-gen system.

    The Wii is great for Wii-exclusive games, games that are made only for the Wii. Multi-platform games tend to not be as good on the Wii.

  5. I would choose the to get it on the 360, I would assume that if there is online play, it will be 10x better on the 360. I also think that playing for a long time using the wii will just get boring!

  6. the wii is way funner

  7. the wii may be fun for bowling and tennis but for a serious game like force unleashed your going to to want the better graphics and speed that only a 360 or PS3 can provide. Plus I'm going to bet that the 360 is going to have much better online play.  

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