Starbreeze announces new title – Video Games Update
Starbreeze Studios has announced a new title ‘P13’ is in development and will bring a unique and new experience to the table once it comes out.
Starbreeze Studios is based in Sweden and is famous for its first person shooters such as The Darkness, which came out in 2007 for the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. Also, the recent Electronic Arts remake of Syndicate which is available for both High Definition
consoles and the PC.
The company was also behind the movie tie-in of The Chronicles of Riddick, with their release for the PC and the original Xbox of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (TCR: EFBB) in 2004. This game took all the gamers and critics by surprise
and was received with praise.
This was considered one of the best Xbox titles of its time and it was right up there with Halo and Ninja Gaiden with an average review score of 90 percent on Metacritic. TCR: Escape from Butcher Bay won a lot of Editor Choice Awards from popular gaming
websites like IGN and Gamespot.
Starbreeze has also acquired Overkill Software, the developers behind the co-op survival action shooter Payday: The Heist. Overkill Software is currently working on a new Payday downloadable content which features a Left 4 Dead hospital level. The developer
is set to work on a new title called Cold Mercury. The game will adopt the ‘Freemium’ model but will still be an ‘AAA’ title.
Starbreeze has not yet revealed what the new project P13 is going to be about as there is also no confirmation if the game is a first person shooter or some other genre. Starbreeze Studios CEO Mikael Nermark believes that gamers are going to be surprised
that the studio is doing this game and has said, "I can't say [whether or not it's an FPS], but I think we're bringing something unique and new to the table in terms of gaming. That's how cocky I'm going to be."
It seems that Starbreeze might be working on something completely different than the first person shooters they are famous for. Gamers will have to wait for the big reveal to see if the project lives up to the hype.