
Starbucks Card Rewards?

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What are the starbucks gift card rewards? I hear you get free refills, but is this true? Say you buy a Frappuccio, how much of a discount do you get? What are you paying for in the drink?




  1. In order to reap the rewards of a Starbucks card -- you have to register it online first at

    After doing so -- these are your benefits:

    - Free coffee refills (this only applies to drip coffee)

    - Free syrups. For example: if you were to order a cinnamon dolce latte, the cinnamon dolce syrup in your latte would be free -- it saves you about 30 cents each trip.

    - Free milk (soy or breve)

    - Free 2 hours of WiFi per day.

    In the case of a frappucino, you would not be getting any discount. That is, unless you're ordering one that you add a syrup to. If you were to get a caramel mocha frappucino, the caramel syrup would be free.

    Also, from registering your card online, Starbucks will know how often you're using your card & you'll receive coupons here and there for being a good customer.

    I hope all of that made sense, haha.

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