
Starbucks age to hire?

by  |  earlier

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I've been interested at getting a part-time job at Starbucks as a barista and I went on the website to see the minimum age requirement. On the website, it says 16. However when I went into the Starbucks by my house, the employee told me 18. Can anybody tell me why this is or if they experienced the problem? I also came here to Yahoo answers and I've seen people that say they worked there when they were 16. I live in Florida by the way, if that helps at all.




  1. The hiring age is 16 ... the guy who told you it is 18 is a jerk!! couple years ago, we hired two baristas who were 16 years old! but i THINK that 16 might have some restrictions such as you cannot work more than 6 hours a day or you cannot work after 9pm or something like that.

  2. Starbucks announced today that they are laying off 1,000 workers.  I think I would look elsewhere for employment.

  3. 16 they probably just told him 18 bcz they ddnt want him when he was 16 lol

  4. i agree with angie, and you're probably not going to get free coffee anyways.
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