

by  |  earlier

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so im in the mood 4 starbucks a nice fruity slushy drink mm yum but none are open:( how can i make my own without making alot of noise everyones asleep lol




  1. sorry ya cant just go buy one and please buy me one too :)

  2. Do you have those lime juice or other canned frozen fruit juice things that people use to make alcoholic drinks with?

    Make a non-alcoholic drink with one! :D

    What I usually do is I take some ice, some of that canned frozen juice (if I have some), and then I sometimes add like actual bananas or strawberries-->Just so it's a little healthy. (:

    If you don't have any of those canned juices, use regular fruit juice.  Blend the ice by itself in the blender first without anything else into slushy stuff.  I've never done it, but you can try it.  Then add the juice.  Add just a little bit of ice cream, just so it's sweet.

    If you want to make it creamy, add some more ice cream and then maybe some milk.  But not too much milk because milk and juice aren't a good combination.

    WAIT!  Sorry!  You said no noise. Uhhmmm.. lol.  If you can, put the blender on low or go into like a cellar or something.  Or you can go to your friend's or neighbor's house.  Sometimes, if you have a courtyard backyard like me. you can find outdoor plugs as well.  Or you can simply ask your family members if you can do it for a second.  I'm sure they won't mind.


  3. you could go to get a slushy at a convience store or a fruit drink at taco bell.

  4. well, if you don't want to make any nose at all, your best bet would be to use a fruit grater (it looks kind of like a cheese grater but has bigger holes).  grate your desired fruits and if you don't like too much pulp, strain the fruit through a sifter.  then just pour it into a chilled glass :)

    (I do it all the time!)

  5. Hopefully you've got some lolly pops in your freezer that you can just let melt. Press some fruit / hand squeeze, bung all into one, and hey presto a DIY starbucks thingie! shhh!
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