
Starbucks question? ......

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Is the Wi-Fi internet connection free at starbucks?

I'm going there this week and I was wondering if I should bring my PSP so I could play online while having my favorite drinks :D




  1. nope

  2. no it is not free, go on their website and it will tell you how it works.

  3. no

  4. No, the wifi connection at Starbucks isn't free.

    I also tried that with my PSP. What you need to do is ask the bartender for the card, I'm not sure how much it costs in the US, but then where I live, Bangkok, it is 250baht for the wifi card.

  5. No, bring a credit card or WiFi card. Rogers is the one that charges you, not Starbucks. Baristas have no control over the price. You can ask them more about it though.

  6. No its not free.

    You need to buy a wifi card from them.

  7. No, its not entirely free...but the terms aren't half bad really.

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