
Starbucks question...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for some drinks, hot or cold, that are considered "skinny", that aren't on the menu!! Some original combinations.....Thanks




  1. ok, my hubby thinks I'm crazy b/c it's such a long name!

    Triple tall, one pump, non-fat mocha with no whipped cream

        ~I get this hot and cold. I get the "one pump" because I feel it's too chocolatey with more than that.

  2. go anywhere but starbucks! they dont support our troops so why should you support them?

    bear with me old school i'll find it & e-mail it to you,also during the 911 clean up starbucks charged the firemen for water! the troops wrote starbucks telling them how much they loved their coffee & wondered if they would send them a care package! starbucks declined & the reason was that they dont support the iraqi war!

  3. Okay starbucks doesn't support our troops...where did you find this out at. let me know. email me at Not offended I just wanted to know.
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