
Stardust p**s Off Deck Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have Planned to make a deck built around Stardust dragon but im not sure if anyone Knows how to. I dont, considering the tuners have not come out yet. So if anyone Knows How to Please post. I call it the stardust p**s off deck becuase it , well...... Pisses People off!! It uses prime Material Dragon to Negate everything then uses a level 2 tuner with prime to synchro summon stardust dragon. Then get Another Prime out and load your hand to keep on your field advantage. I Know stardust is good and i saw how prime posed an advantage yesterday when it totally screwed up my Gladiator Beasts.

Also,I really need to know a good card store in the washington D.C. area or even one in towns outside washington D.C. but close to it. I mainly need one that sells single cards but any answer is appreciated so please answer. (also put address or phone number if possible) person with the most accurate answer will get best answer!




  1. Hello. I feel that the best way to build a Synchro deck is to use D-Heroes, since they easily replace themselves. Here's an example.

    MONSTERS: 19

    3 Nitro Synchron

    3 Destiny Hero Malicious

    1 Destiny Hero Dasher

    2 Destiny Hero Fear Monger

    3 Junk Synchron

    3 The Tricky

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Cyber Dragon

    SPELLS: 16

    3 Destiny Draw

    3 Reinforcement of The Army

    2 Foolish Burial

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Pot of Avarice

    2 Nobleman of Crossout

    2 Shrink

    TRAPS: 7

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    3 Sakuretsu Armor

    Extra Deck:

    3 Stardust Dragon

    2 Nitro Warrior

    Side Deck: 13

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Marshmallon

    1 Sangan

    3 Solemn Judgment

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 Royal Decree

    2 Prime Material Dragon

    1 Jinzo

    While I do know enough about Synchro Decks to build them, I am not very good at explaining them. Therefore, I'll let you take the list I've given you to experiment with; tweak it, test it, then email me to let me know if it works:

    Hope this answer helps. Happy Dueling, and I hope to hear from you soon!!!

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