
Staring at a woman's chest?

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Most women are offended by it if it's blatantly obvious. Do you think men would be offended if a woman obviously stared at a man's "package"?




  1. Nevermind a man's "package"..... What do broads expect ?.... Their b*****s obviously protrude from the torso.. It's indeed out of place for females to feel offended when it should be viewed as complimentary when a man obviously observes a females cleavage in admiration ! Also, there are no laws against looking at something.. And for petesakes if we're going to get into the staring & leering c**p, then you're bordering on having the ludicrous thought police in play.....     Get serious..  Men have the common sense to realize that when the opposite s*x stares at a part of their body, it is for positive, admirable reasons. It's truly dispicable, yet sad that women permit society & the media to orchestrate their beliefs that a man thinks only in an aggressive manner when staring at her..

  2. When I was younger I got a very unwise tattoo of a cross on my sternum. Its pretty big and hard not to stare at so I no longer give it a second thought if someone is staring. I just assume they are looking at my tattoo. But maybe if woman did not put them on display they would not be looked at so much.

    Its hard not to notice when you lift them to you chin and then put your shirt down lower.

    If a man walked around with his package hanging out I would find it hard not to glance that way.

  3. Actualy last year i went to halloween as a chipendales dancer and i just got a ridiculusly huge banana hamock and filled it with socks... BY the time i was done it looked like i had a small dog in there and i didnt mind people looking at all i nearly fell over laughing the first time some girl pointed at it.

  4. They might like it.

  5. I agree that some women but their breast on display and pay to have them upgraded to get male attention and those women want to be stared at so stare.  However I have not put money in to enhance anything physically on my body and I do not wear any provocative clothing to get attention and yet without fail I get it.  I am not hot per-say; but I am attractive and I try to play that down.   Playing it down does not seem to stop men from looking so who is to blame?  The men who must look at every women as long as she looks somewhat descent or the women who show everything off in some lame attempt for a self esteem boost?

  6. While I would agree that many men are inordinately preoccupied with b*****s (female), I also believe that women spend an inordinate amount of time and money enhancing said body parts for the sole purpose of making them more attractive to men.

  7. I guess it would depend on the guy, some may be embarrassed by it, some may like it being noticed. Many things like that vary from person to person.

  8. Personally, I look but don't stare...

    But I have something to solve your problem.  See the video.

  9. I don't think men would mind as much. Sure many guys would like it if the woman is attractive, but even if she isn't I don't think guys would care as much as women. But on one account, the staring could bother some if the woman is blatantly staring, since it could possibly cause some men to wonder if he has his fly down or if there is something embarassing or wrong with him to make her stare for so long or if he is being judged for his size, ya never know. Why does it have to be a man's butt that she stares at and not his butt or pecs or biceps?

  10. It is true that some women put them on display.  I too, occassionally "let the girls out"- and I don't object to the occasional look that comes my way.  However, most of the time they are pretty well covered up, and still get plenty of attention (but that is because of their size- and that's genetic- nothing I can do about that)

    I generally don't have too much of a problem unless offensive remarks or lewd gestures are made- in which case I tell them to (insert expletive here), and then dismiss them from my mind.

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