
Starred questions?

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Starred questions?

what are they and how do they work???

the other categories wouldn't answer me..




  1. Just adding to your other great answers..

    I've starred a couple of questions from people who just don't have a clue, so my fans can see I found this interesting and they can look or laugh at some of these people out there.  One of them was about how guns kill people.  Oh, those naughty guns!

  2. A star means that someone found the question interesting or funny or maybe especially important.

    If you see a question and you think that you would like to see the answers later then giving it a star makes it easier for you to keep track of in your profile page. It will also bring that question to the attention of anyone who is in your contacts list.

  3. Here's Yahoo's explanation:

  4. People star them if they are interesting. I think the asker gets points for this, not entirely sure.

  5. People star questions if they think they are interesting and want to draw others' attention to it.  The more people think it's interesting, the more start the question gets.

  6. Starred questions are basically questions that people think are interesting, the click on the little star on every question, and a one or osmething appears next to the star. They aren't really anything special, but the more stars you have, the more people think you're questions are interesting. That's basically what they are, and how they work. It's not very complicated.
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