
Start a business in a small town

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I was wondering how can i start a small business when i live in a tiny town and where can i get ideas on what to bring to this town, also i don't have much money so something not too much money thank you




  1. I would recommend you not venture in a traditional business if you don't have a lot of money to spend on it.  Businesses cost money to start up, traditional businesses are quite expensive to venture into.  A lot of costs involved.  If I were you and have little money to spend, I would look into home based business opportunities.  You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business, less over head expenses (basically almost none), and most cost under $500 to start up.  Almost everything you use in your home on a daily bases, like phone, cellular phone, computer, electricty, gas and car expenses, all become tax write offs.

    If you'd like some information on home based businesses with several industries to look into, take a look at this article that will give you a lot of ideas and things that don't cost a lot of money to start up in your own home.

  2. well the first thing that you need to consider is what would be your market.  like what ages are you trying to target and if they are class a,b or c.  and then the place where you want to put up your business like if it is gonna be near schools or church.  then think of how much you can use for capital.  then from that you will know what kind of business you want to have

  3. i was searching online and i reached a place and :oh! yes: the time has come  that you can earn even 10,000$ without having any website and the amazing thing is that this system is free to join   and the condition is this that you can join more than one money making program and there you can also find the full job list to increase your income with in seconds.

  4. is a great site with tips on how to make money online with links to sites that make said money for small business

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