
Start as a slave and work your way up to pharaoh

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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From janitor to the CEO and mail boy to the chairman
I've been the janitor and the CEO of many companies. I've been the mail boy and the chairman. I've learned to do the things I hate so that I could focus entirely on the things I love as the company grew. Today I've hired people to do almost 95% of the things I don't enjoy and hate to do. I've always been the creative visionary and driving force working on the business, but I've also had to be and do the low level jobs and tasks in my business when I launched them from the ground up.
I only relinquished control when I knew how to do the task correctly. Then I hired the talent and held them accountable unloading all my tasks that were below my strength level to people who's strengths were my weaknesses. You have to start somewhere and it's good to start small and humble but once u grow you need to let go and leverage the talent to do what it is capable of doing.
Always strive to work on your business and not in your business otherwise you will be an employee to your business not an employer.
start as a slave and work your way up to pharaoh. Don't start as a pharaoh and work your way down to a slavery and bondage.

‪#‎theartofdreamchasing‬ ‪#‎billionairediares‬ ‪#‎stayhumble‬ ‪#‎experiencebottomtotop‬

Mohammad Farhan Riaz Says:  Amazing Insight and Very well said! The book E myth also highlights such systems. Business Systematization, SOPs, Outsourcing ,delegation, IT etc can enable us to equate ourselves out of the equation so that we can work on our businesses!
Nadia Arain Says :  Oh the last sentence needs a copyright!
Graciela Blackstone Says: Very true! My story too! I know every position from experience. Thank you for saying this!

 Tags: pharaoh, slave, start


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