
Started hearing voices?

by  |  earlier

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You'll probably assume this is a joke. But it's not at all. I just need some advice.

I started hearing voices around..3 weeks ago. They don't tell me to kill myself. They compliment/praise me, coming from either an intercom or my basement. When I'm on the phone they shout compliments and it's hard to hear what the person is saying. But all in all, they don't do anything and it isn't constant.

I'm wondering if I should still go to a psychiatrist if it isn't constant and they don't threaten?




  1. Hey, I don't think you're joking.  I also do think it's serious enough to see a psychiatrist soon.  What's going on could be a few things, so try not to go self-diagnosing or asking ppl here what you have.  It won't mean much.  Keep track of when and where you hear them.  Also note what else you were doing and had happen recently.  If you're on any medication, keep track of that, too.  This is the type of info that will help a pdoc figure out what's up.  Oh, and when you call around for a pdoc, ask if they have experience with psychosis.  Different ones specialize in different areas.  Mine specializes in mood disorders, for example.  She wouldn't be the best for you to see unless you have a major mood problem, too.

  2. i also hear people sayin my name could be ghosts?                             the other time they said "turn around" as i did i saw a guy followin me!! creepy

    maybe you don't hear ghost, maybe your brain is findin a way to make you love yourself  

  3. You should be fortunate they are complimenting you rather then criticizing you although criticism can be beneficial if it is justified.

    No i do not think this is a joke.I do not know why you would think that.

    Go to a psychiatrist.He may be able to help.

  4. Haven't you asked this question before? Are the voices quiet and you need attention from someone? Go see a doctor.

  5. Seek advice from a doctor or psychologist.  The voices may not be unpleasant now, but later on they might be.

  6. I used to hear voices that would shout my name over and over again and they would say insulting things. It really didn't hurt me, but it was annoying. So tmy psychiatrist put me on an anti psychotic and after two months they finally went away. You may ask why did it take so long? Well, it does take a while for the doc to tweak the dosage so be patient if you are started on these types of drugs. Now voices wasn't the only thing that I had issues with, but the meds helped with everything and now I feel in control of my life. So if it is a problem annoying even though it isn't constant you should still see someone about it.

    Sorry about the spelling mistakes.

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