
Started playing Yu-Gi-Oh after a year, help???

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hello, I quit collecting Yu-gi-oh trading cards around a year ago and I have pretty much forgot a lot of stuff about the whole game but I started learning, the rules of the game, restricted cards etcetc.

Any advice to get me started again is greatly appreciated because being honest I have no idea where to start dueling except with my bro and I started a couple weeks ago.Local stuff would be nice but how can I find a playing league or something? The cards are banned at my junior high so I thought Yu-Gi-Oh had died off but apparently its O.K, at least on Yahoo Answers.

I have cards but I was more into trading(aka never bothered to duel) and as a result, I don't have a "themed" deck. I know about some staple spells and traps but all I did for my current deck was mash together 40 cards with too many tributes and no theme. Where can I see examples of good decks? Since I'm sure a lot has changed.




  1. if you want to build a competiteve deck or just a good one look online like at or and find 1 or two realy powerful cards that fit your playing style. and make sure there support cards are not banned. then take those cards and base the whole deck around it. I got a yubel ultimate and i decided it would be good to go with it so now i have a yubel deck and my second tourny of my life i placed top 15

  2. Hello. I would strongly recommend looking at the Decks from the 2008 World Championships as far as competetive decks go. Then, study those deck types to find out which one you would like to run, as well as there strengths and weaknesses. Also, keep an eye on the Forbidden/Limited lists. They are constantly changing, so keeping on them is good for keeping on top of the Metagame. Also, new rulings have gone into effect with the release of Yugioh 5Ds, so be sure to read all about it.

    You can find all of this and more information at Hope this answer helps. Happy Dueling!!!

  3. Hiya

    I know how you feel, as i haven't played for a long time myself, and i generally just help on the internet and whimper at the amount of my cards which are now banned. Money killed my yugioh gaming :P

    Structure decks are good, as stated before, they are tourny legal, come with a fair balance of cards and a rule book.

    Leagues are easy enough to find, just search around online, some sites will tell you where all the game shops with leagues are: lets put it this waym, im British and i had a local game shop! And yugioh is now the ~#1 card game in popularity, as it overtook magic, so yup, its still doing strong! is excellent, it has a COTD, and loads of general advice. However, some of the advice given tends to be for players who are willing to put the money in.

    Personally, i would look at your current cards, and decide if any of them would be a good base for a deck. Combined with staples and a bunch of ok cards, you'll do fine against normal players, and it will allow you to decide whether you actually want to spend more money on the game. and one structure deck will never hurt.

  4. Just go onto google search and type in Yugioh D.A.D. Deck, Yugioh Gladiatorthose are mainly the 2 most popular decks now but you can type in any kind of yugioh card to find a nice well-balanced deck such as a Dark Deck, Remove from play deck, Burn Deck etc.

  5. Buy a Dark Emperor Structure Deck. It's really good, and is tournament legal.

    Try your local hobby store or somewhere like Toys-R-Us for tournaments.

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