
Started taking Fluvoxamine (Luvox) a few days ago...?

by Guest66215  |  earlier

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So I started taking Fluvoxamine (100 mg pm) a few days ago for OCD and I am experiencing some side effects already (I can't sleep, I am anxious, things like that). Is this normal to feel this already? I've never been on any other psych meds and I don't know if I can take feeling like this much longer. Will the side effects get better (as of now, everyday they are getting worse and I'm on day 3).




  1. I have been on too many of these meds to count. I can tell you it takes about 7 days to calm down. Here is a great link:

    If it gets to be to much call your doc to see if you can cut dosage until your body is accustom to it.

  2. Call your pharmacist and speak with him/her regarding type of side effects for this medication. If you keep feeling worse and the effects are debilitating, stop taking it & call your doctor.

  3. you for sure need to call your psychiatrist. i was prescribed that for my anxiety disorder and it felt like i wasn't even taking anything. i didn't experience any of those side effects. call your doc asap, he or she should know what to do. medicines like that shouldn't be messed with, CALL YOUR DOCTOR.

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