
Started to stammer...?

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recently ive started to stammer when i speak to some people its because it get nervous does anyone know what i can do to stop it?

i never used to do it so i don't want to start now




  1. Been there. It helped me a great deal to listen to the other person rather than trying to think of something glib to reply with. Also, slow down your speaking. That will help a lot. Good luck.

  2. Wow, I'm going through the exact same thing except I'm talking more maturally than I used to so maybe that's the reason. For example when I'm  in the middle of saying something, I'll think of something better to say and get all confused. I haven't really fixed the problem but focusing on the topic rather than what I'm actually saying has helped for me. Good luck.

  3. d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dont worry about it
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