
Starter sailboat?

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I am looking for a brand and model of a good starter sailboat. Here is my criteria, needs to seat 2 people comfortably, needs to be very light (able to be pulled by a regular truck). This will be exclusively used in man-made fresh water lakes. It will be for daytrips only so no cabin is needed. I would prefer something simple to rig and sail.




  1. Look for a Cal 20'.  They have been around for a long time and are an easy to handle boat that can be bought fairly cheaply.  They will sail in the slightest breeze, very maneuverable and light enough to be trailered behind anything bigger that a Geo Metro.

  2. Unbeatable in all of your criteria: the Snark Sunchaser I. The Sunchaser II is identical except that it is sloop-rigged instead of lateen-rigged. It seats 4 adults comfortably (up to 900 lbs total), weighs 125 lbs, and is truly, utterly unsinkable (like all Snark sailboats, the hull is made entirely of hardened styrofoam). And they last forever, my own Snark is 27 years old and still sailing like a champ. Oh, and don't be intimidated by the $3k sticker-price; they've made zillions of them, and you can always find them on Craig's List for a fraction of what Castle Craft is asking.

  3. Sunfish or a Catamaran.  I believe the Sunfish holds 2, and the Catamaran at least 2.
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