
Starters for the Cubs-Brewers series. Who has the advantage?

by  |  earlier

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If you project it out, here should be the starters:

Monday: Lilly vs. Sabathia

Tuesday: Zambrano vs. Sheets

Wednesday: Dempster vs. Parra

Thursday: Harden vs. Bush

I would have to give the advantage to the Brewers for the first three games. Monday is clearly advantage Brewers, and Tuesday and Wednesday are pretty even so I would also give the advantage to the Brewers there. The Cubs should have the advantage on Thursday.




  1. Looking at the matchups I hardly think its clear cut that the Brewers take the first three! They matchup great the whole series. The only slight advantage at this point is Brewers in Game One and Cubs in Game four but that is a very slight advantage. Watch the games and have fun and root on your favorite team! Go Reds!!!!!

  2. 1. Brewers

    2. (close) Brewers

    3. Cubs

    4. Cubs

    This series is even at 2

  3. Dem Cubs best be getin a kaiser blade out, umm hmmm. I reckon dats the only way dey beat dem Brewer fellers, ummm hmm. I took one to dat der Doyle feller and he aint moved since!!!

  4. Game 1 - Brewers

    Game 2 - Brewers

    Game 3 - Brewers

    Game 4 - Cubs

    Purely based off of the pitching matchups.

  5. Brewers win

  6. too me it looks like the brewers have a good chance at a sweep.

  7. Monday - Brewers

    Tuesday - close, but I'll pick Cubs, pitching its a push but Zambrano is like a DH with his bat.

    Wednesday - Cubs, by a hair

    Thursday - Cubs

    I say Cubs take the series 3-1

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