
Starting A New School This September - Really Worried. Help Please!?

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I'm starting a new school in two weeks and I am VERY worried.

I have got all of my things , sorted out my bag , cycled to and from school about seven times , and I think I am ready. But going from a school of about 350 to 1000 , makes me feel sick. So - I need so guiding advice - and maybe some top tips.

Thanks! :)




  1. you shouldn't be scared because you will start a new experience,meet new friends and that's good

    so don't be worried and try to make some friends but also you have to study hard

    good luck

  2. Just walk in there with ur head up high and be self confident. DNT worry what others think of u. Be more free and comfortable around ur sorroundings and just try to talk to someone and become friends.

  3. you're a lot better off than me. I went from a school of 1,000 to a school of 3,000. Yikes, that was scary.

    Don't worry, you'll meet people sooner or later. In class, talk to people, and some of them will become your best friends. Yeah, I moved in the middle of 6th grade...

    Meet the teachers, be nice, be yourself, and try to figure out where your classes are. If your friends are going with you, try to find out where and when they have classes, and if they go somewhere close to you, walk to class with them. Find out where you'll eat ahead of time.

    I'm not sure what you mean by top tips: but if you mean like in clothes, here's my suggestion.

    Go for bright and colorful, like this:

    Match it with jeans, or a skirt.

    If your under the sun a lot, wear sunglass that are oversized.

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