
Starting Highschool!!! What is it going to be like?

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I am involved & i usually try hard in all subjects. I am going to try my most best for high school i thinks its really important.

What is the work like?

What materials (binders, folders things like that) will be best ?

Any tips: Im not interested in impressing anyone only on doing good and having good friends and being in soccer (i love excersice=])




  1. I'll be honest, high school doesn't thrill me. But as a freshman, you won't be asked of too much. It's sort of an introductory year. The workload depends on your school, although you will definitely have more than you did in middle school.

    Get two inch binders and lots of notebooks and loose leaf paper. Folders that will fit in your binder. Color code, so that when you reach into your locker all you have to do is remember what class is next, so you have more time to get there.

    High school is enjoyable if you make it so...and if you enjoy exercise, time yourself in between classes. Enjoy all the slow walkers you -will- get stuck behind at least twice a day.  

  2. well high school is great

    you will have an excellent time.


    the work line usually depends on what teachers u have.... but there is a lot of work.. so be prepared

    the teachers even give homework the first day of school... i know it sucks =(


    well u need pencils of course and pens of different colors

    u dont really need a binder that much becuz u just need a notebook for every single class u have...... trust me every teacher will ask u for a notebook.


    well just behave and dont get in trouble

    ohh yea and also dont act immature or childish or anything like that... bcuz everyone hates the freshmen..especially teachers.

    and enjoy everything that happens and get involved, bcuz the year goes by really fast.... next thing u know its summer already and ur going to 10th grade... like me.  =)

    well good look

    have a great time

    im sure u will enjoy it!!!

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