
Starting Hip Hop at 14?

by  |  earlier

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I want to learn hip hop, but i dont know if its too old to start. Im 14. If i do start... i dont want to be standing out from a bunch of kids...


before i learn hip hop, is there anything else that would help me?

Do i haf to haf flexibility for hip hop?




  1. no you are not too old to start. You dont need to be flexible to take hip-hop. I took hip-hop when I was in 5th grade.

  2. You don't really need flexibility, no.

    Well my friend if 14 and she just started hip hop, so don't worry about it

  3. you dont HAVE to be flexible for hip hop, it might help though... i would start off in a beginners group. even if it is with a bunch of younger kids and ask your teacher for pointers, ask when the teacher feels it's right for you to move up

    good luck!

  4. i would sagest going to a class with people your age

  5. its never too late!

    Flexibility is not such a great factor.

  6.'s never too join hip-hop.

    i joined it when im was 13.

    so you're okay.

    you have to be a little flexible but not like gymnastic hardcore.

    you have to be able to move and control your movement.

    that's it...nothing krazy.

    don't be afraid to stand out.

    you just have to have confidence even though you think might you get the moves wrong..just don't hesitate.


    have fun because that's what it is about. :]

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