
Starting QB? Matt Hasselbeck vs Jake Locker at Tennessee Titans training camp – NFL News

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Starting QB? Matt Hasselbeck vs Jake Locker at Tennessee Titans training camp – NFL News
The Tennessee Titans are going to hit training camp on July 29 and almost more than a third of the activities will be open to public.
In an announcement, the management said all players have been asked to report to the camp a couple of days earlier than actual start of the training sessions.
Mike Munchak, who is in the second year of coaching tenure in Tennessee, will supervise the camp.
Overall, the plan includes a practice session in State of Georgia that the team has scheduled with the Atlanta Falcons. The session will be open to local fan and supporters.
This year’s highlight of the camp will be the competition for starting position between the incumbent quarterback, Matt Hasselbeck and second-year QB, Jake Locker. Both players have already sounded to be very serious about their role and
will do the utmost to win it.
Even though no one is a clear potential winner of the competition yet, some commentators have seen the odds slightly in favour of the incumbent. They are wary of Locker’s performance at the same time and are avoiding making their bet final
on any of the two players.
The fact that Locker has impressed his bosses during his appearances on the starting line last year remains to be the main take against their view.
So if he wins the position, it should not surprise any of the pundits who have slightly tilted on the incumbent’s side. As a matter of fact, it was Locker’s impressive performance that has triggered the competition in the first place.
Recently, Titans’ coach admitted he has been asked questions about Locker and his starting role more than he has been about Hasselbeck. It looks fans and supporters have already started rallying around the young QB.
Rest of the squad looks very much old story, with no major changes this year. The team attempted to bring in veteran QB, Peyton Manning, but that dream of the owner, Bud Adams, was not realised.
Interestingly, Hasselbeck’s place in the team even then was brought into question. The player, however, has played cool and calm leaving the situation to develop its own way.



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