
Starting To Be A Vegetarian?

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I'm not sure how exactly it works.

I'm doing only for the health benefits.

What foods can I eat and not eat?

& Is dairy & eggs really something I cannot eat if I want to full benefits of being a vegetarian.

I also need some tips on how to break the news to family members, and friends because they pretty much don't really respect my life decisions and will go off on me and treat me like I'm stupid for wanting to choose to be a Vegetarian.




  1. If you want like a million answers, type in "going vegetarian" in that handy search bar up there and you'll get a million of questions just like this one (2 years worth), better answers altogether than just from your one question.

    Hope that didn't sound rude, I was just trying to get you more answers :]

    Your Q about dairy and egg; VEGANS don't eat that, but VEGETARIANS do. That is the difference between the two. It is better to cut out dairy and egg, but I mean just cutting out meat will make a world of differences.

    When breaking it to family and friends, yeah, expect them to be complete assho1es about it. Expect taunting and them shoving hamburgers in your face whenever possible ("I love meat, moooo, yumm!"). People tend to act like idiots. And then - expect "why" to be asked A MILLION TIMES, as well as "you need meat to be healthy!" For this, make a list of things and memorize it. On this list, put your reasons, your defenses, and the health benefits.


    - I am not an alien because I don't eat animals, don't treat me like it.

    - There is no reason for you to make a huge deal and harass me about it.

    - Veg food is more pure than non-veg food.

    - It is my personal decision and it doesn't effect you so don't be rude.

    - I don't care if you think it tastes good, this is my decision.

    - Meat contains additives toxins and junk that I don't want clogging my body.

    - I can get the same nutrients from different sources, meat is NOT the ONLY place to get ANYTHING.

    - I'm not judging you, don't judge me, it only makes you look like an assho1e.

    - Science shows that vegs have a smaller risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other ailments than meat eaters (*source here, if you want*).

    - Many athletes are vegetarians strictly because of the health benefits.

    - Veg food is cleaner and more pure.

    - The fat intake of a veg is obviously less than that of a meat eater.

    You'll notice I put plenty of defensive points - you'll need that. You'll get sooo many meatheads throwing bogus claims at you ("you can only get protein from meat!") and doing stupid things like what I mentioned above.

    There are certain things that vegetarians can lack if not careful- iron, b12, and calcium.

    Get your iron from nuts and beans and greens.

    Get your vitamin B12 from vitamins.

    Get your calcium from oranges and dairy.

    (Google other places to get those.)

    Many soups (at restaurants and such) as well as some Chinese food restaurant's rice - use chicken broth (even if it's something like cheese and broccoli soup!).

    Some foods (certain chips, I'm pretty sure KC Masterpiece chips still do) use things like animal fats and whatever.

    Some fast food restaurants use lard in their beans.

  2. My advice: Do your research!

    I had the same trouble with my family. So I researched information on nutrition, benfits and foods for a vegetarian lifestyle and printed it off to show my family I was serious and it was something I would like there support in.

    I'm a vegetarian and I still eat dairy and eggs, and I do reap the benefits of this lifestyle.

    I suggest you experiment (safely of course) Try having 2 or three days with no meat, see how you feel and ask youself is this the sort of lifestyle you could see yourself taking part in and enjoying?

    Everyone is unique, just see what works for you.  

  3. You  cant eat meat or anything fried in animal fat, or gelatin.

    tip: you can substitute MANY recipes that have meat in it with fake meat. Morningstar is my favorite.

  4. One main reason that vegetarians can be healthier than most people, is that the "Standard American Diet" is atrocious.

    Even if you don't go 100% veg, you can definitely benefit from cutting out red meat entirely, and limiting your intake of other meats; balancing them with substitutes like soy, gluten, beans, and nuts.

    I highly recommend getting a book on vegetarian nutrition, like The New Becoming Vegetarian by dietitians Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis.

    The vegetarian food pyramid outlines what types of foods you should be eating, in what proportions:

    Not coincidentally, it's almost identical to the scientifically based food pyramid from Harvard:

    So even if you're not 100% veg, your health can benefit from moving to a diet based on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, plant protein, and little fat, sugar, and oil.

  5. going vegetarian will DEINATLY not make you healthier. but if you want to stop eating most meats, go peskaterian. it's where you only eat fish.

    you can drink milk and eat eggs, unless you are going vegan.

    oh, and yes, my family is pretty much the same. but i would just let them know that this is what you think is best for the way you keep your body.

    hope this helps.

    p.s. try microwaveable veggie burgers, i'm not vegetarian, but these are heaven on a bun. seriously. :]]

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