
Starting Up Own Website

by  |  earlier

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Im hoping to start up my own website. How do I go about doing this? Im wanting my clients to pay me using PayPal or some other similar safe method.





  1. Hello

    If you are ready to spend (less than £1000), you could give this work to me, I would outsource it to some asian country. and ur website could be launched in a month at a comparitively lower investment.

    Good Luck


  2. Try These sites

  3. Buy Your Requested Website/Domain Name:



       1.  Plan the website

       2. Decide on the type of hosting and domain names

       3. Design and build the Site Perhaps Using Dreamweaver

       4. Promote the Site

       5. Monetize- Even personal websites can make money for the site owner. The various methods available are covered in making money with websites.

       6. Monitor and Maintain the Site

    Plan your website:

    I have experience - kind of. My parents own a website and they know a lot about computers!

  4. first youll need a domain name  

  5. You need to buy a domain and then buy a web server, datacenter that you will upload your web page, you can pay for both of them with pay pal, just search google-yahoo for a good and cheap datacenter and domain.

  6. There are a few ways. One, use a site that is free and will help you build your website if you know little about setting up your own (For example, freewebs - this also gives you the Paypal and other payment options and you have the option to pay for hosting to get more) Two, get your own domain name. You can program/code your own site. Or three, pay a website designer to do it for you. This last option can cost a fair amount though, especially if you want the to keep it up to date

  7. Hi

    Check this out it will really help your website / business

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