
Starting VolleyBall in September!?

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When school starts, I am joining the volleyball team. But there is one little (okay, BIG) problem: I SUCK at volleyball! It was either that or basketball, and I hate basketball. Any tips on how to get WAYYYYY better? Oh, and remember, I only have a month!




  1. Practice, practice and make sure you get the fundementals down. research on the internet and get with a friend and practice. I know you can do it

    when i first started i could barly hit the ball now im the M.V.P

    Hope my advice helps

  2. If you know some basics you can practice them with a friend or against a wall.  But if you don't know how to get started then don't try too hard or you will just learn bad habits.

    The most important thing about tryouts and practices is hustle, hustle, hustle.  Do not walk at anytime, always run when the coach says to line up, move over there, or when fetching balls.  Do not sit down unless instructed to.

    Show an interest in learning, pay attention to what the coach says and other players say.  

    And be respectfull use Sir, Ma'am, thank you, please, ect.

    Attitude, effort, and hustle will lay a foundation you can build your skills on.

  3. same thing to me, but i have played volleyball since i was like 13 with out a coach just with my friends

      to practice you really need one friend or more, if you play with the wall you will get bored. and also try to watch volleyball games on tv, that really helps

      but if you are alone practice with the wall,

      good luck

    hope you make the team

  4. Sounds like this was a choice between the "two evils" for you. You say you hate basketball so you HAD to play volleyball. First of all, why do you HAVE to play volleyball? Do you even like it? If you don't than who cares if you get better or not. Because as soon as your sentence is done, you'll probably never play it again anyway.

    Don't get me wrong, if you truly want to learn, go to camps, get a ball, run and train. Read about and watch volleyball. Pay attention to everything that is "volleyball". The good news is, if you truly are as bad as you say you are, than improvement is easy. The three most important things in volleyball are: 1) Call the ball, LOUD! 2) Move to the ball (it's the other team's goal to put that ball in a spot where you aren' better be ready to move) 3) Communicate on the court (a quiet team is usually not a successful team).

    Stick to the basics (bumping/underhand pass and serving). These are the two most important skills in volleyball. Obviously an overhand pass is important but you can win a game without a good setter, but you won't without good passers and servers.

    Good Luck!

  5. need to do a few drills and stuff to help you.  you need to remember to stretch your legs because you have to change positions a lot.

    so for the volleyblal part:

    for hitting/bumping/passing (whatever you call it!):

    find an empty wall. throw the ball against the wall and hit it as many times as you can. start out at 20 hitting it back and fourth to the wall. then go up to maybe 35 and try to get 100! it isnt as easy as it sounds!


    you can try to serve it to the same wall. the point is to make it come back to you.  try doing about 10-20 of those in a row.


    this is proubabky the hardest thing to practice on your own. the only thing you can really do is to st it to yourself about 10 times in a row or make a like on the driveway with chalk and try to set it just over the line.


    some people are too short and some teams dont like short people to spike. i dont know how tall you are, but i dont know how to help you with spiking other than to use the line of chalk take a few steps away from it...throw the ball in the air like it had been set to you, and run up and spike it over the line.

    hope this helped! good luck!

  6. I got really good, by buying a rubber all, and playing volleyball, with the wall, u know, hit the ball up against, the wall, try to keep it in the air, serving, exc.

  7. First of all, don't sweat  it.  Get together with someone who knows vball and have them work with you.  Also in your own time start jump roping for about ten minutes each day.  I don't mean playground jump roping I mean the rope should conhstantly be moving at a fast pace.  Also start jogging around your neighborehood and go at a steady but slow pace so you work up stamina.  Then all you can do is practice everyday with the personn that is working with you and practice on you own.  Remember to eat healthy and I would suggest giving up pop for the vball season.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. playing becuase you have to play is not a very good reason to join the team.

    leave the spots open for people who really truely enjoy the amazing sport of volleybal!

    it won't be as much fun as it could be if your forced to play.


  9. Just practice really often, like once a day or twice. When I'm alone and I need someone to practice with I play with the roof of my house. All you need o do is trow the ball on your roof ad make three passes and send the ball back on the roof again! It's a really great partner, it's always there for you if you wanna practice:P lol ( my little trick ) . And you could also jump rope, it will increase your vertical jump, and run alot so you will get less tired on the court while your playing a game!  

    Best Of Luck!!!

  10. I recommend practice, practice, practice!!  get a book and read it, or talk to me more.  I really dont know what you need to know!

  11. just practice a lot...practice makes profection! lol set goals so u can keep getting better and better at it...but the main thing is practicing a lot remember to always use ur legs when u hit...not ur arms...u do that because u have more control of the ball instead of it flying good luck=)

  12. You said you are joining the team....isn't there a try-out?  Be willing to listen and try hard.  Most coaches would rather have an okay player with a lot of willingness and desire to learn than an awesome player with a lousy attitude.  Work on sprints, lift weights (10 reps 3x) arms, legs, chest, back..., eat healthy, get sleep, practice every day.  Why are you just starting to worry about it now?!

  13. Buy a volleyball

    go against a house and get your hand in a circle rotation and start hitting the ball to the ground...(Helps spiking)

    Slam the ball to the ground so it will bounce back up and start setting it. (Helps Setting)

    Buy knee pads!(You really need them!) and possibly Volleyball shoes but wait on thoughs (You need those when you start playing)

    Throw against the house and just bunt it a millions of times. (Helps bunting)

    Serving is the hardest... If you don't get it down at first don't get discouraged its hard for lots of people. Just get somebody to stand a good while back and just start serving. (Helps Serving)

    Good luck...

    Its fun after you learn how...

    I love it!

  14. Hey, well thats ok, good things are coming your way. All you have to do is learn the basic steps.





      Make sure you work on your postions. IF you are smaller then you will play back row, if your taller then you will hit.

    Just keep practicing and you will get better.



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