
Starting Wellbutrin XL 150mg Tonight, I am quitting Cymbalta 30mg, I couldnt handle it, What should I expect?

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The cymbalta made me a zombie, I only took it for 6 days. I felt stoned, drunk, dizzy, and couldnt concentrate. I have anxiety, and they think depression, though i argue that. I sure am scared about starting this new one, has anyone stopped cymbalta and went to wellbutrin, what are the common side effects not on paper, but through real life people? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!




  1. I am actually in the opposite position, I took Wellbutrin and had to stop to take Cymbalta.  The welbutrin did nothing for me except give me excrutiating heart burn!

  2. I've never took Cymbalta  but when I started Wellbutrin XL it gave me horrible migraines, it made me withdraw more, and it made me sleep more, at the time i was a smoker and it made me crave cigarettes even more at that point I went from smoking 1 pack a day to 2 1/2 a day.

  3. I first have to say that you are starting on a high dose. . . are you sure you are that high and not 50mg?

    For me I found that the side effects of Wellbutrin XL included a headache and extremely dry mouth. These were the only two that bothered me. The headache went away after a couple days, but everytime I had to increase the dose it came back for a few days. I still have the dry mouth. I have noticed when I do go to a humid climate, I live at 7200 feet above sea level with no more than 5% humidity at any given time, the humid climates make it so I do not have the dry mouth.

    The other "side effects" that do not bother me include being sensitive to the sun (I think this is because of where I live, but I know that using a tanning bed doesn't bother me either) and I have to take it before noon or I have trouble sleeping at night. I have been told that this happens to a lot of people, even my psychiatrist takes Wellbutrin and has problems if she takes it later in the day.

    I hope that this will ease your mind some.

    Best Wishes!!!


  4. Be very careful when on Wellbutrin. It works wonders for some people but for others, not so good.

    Personally, it made me worse off than I was. I used to be a cutter and I started doing it again once they put me on it. I've had a few friends and family be put on it as well, one of them tried to commit suicide while on it. Now keep in mind I'm not blaming the medication at all, I just am wanting you to be careful while taking it, and if something doesn't feel right with it tell your doctor right away.

  5. how are you, When in doubt..try something or someone new to get your mind off of this..

    Take a look at Ticked Off and Need a Place to Vent? I recommend

    good luck

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