
Starting a K-2 & K-3 class at a private school in the fall. Need art many for a year?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to start building up everything I will need for my room. My focus right now is the art center. I already have the chairs and tables. I need to figure out what I need and how much of it I will need.

I know I will need 15 safety scissors.

construcion paper - how much?

glue-sticks?paste? and how many for a year.

water colors

tempera paint....

They are trusting me with this program so I want to make it the best I can, thanks!




  1. Start out with two glue sticks per child - you can buy glue in gallon jugs and one lasts me through the year.  One glue bottle per child.

    Gallons of paint - I bought one of each color - they gave a special deal to get one of each and it lasted me a year.  

    I keep three of each color of construction paper - the basic colors, not all the different ones like magenta and lavendar.

    One water color set per child - it will last you a year.  You will learn as the year goes on and next year you will be better able to determine how much you will need to buy. this first year will be trial and error and they should really understand that if you need to get more later in the year. Good luck.

  2. 10 packs of 100 construction papers

    3 per student-glue sticks ( the may get lost )

    4 per student paste ( little jars )

    i dont know how many water colors- maybe 30 small trays of the little colors with brushes water colors

    11 Tempura Paint- just restock if you need more

  3. i would get a lot of the glue sticks scinse they run out fast and the water colors too

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