I am a beauty therapist and have found a great salon to rent. There are seven treatments rooms, though it would be only me from the start, and possibly my sister on reception. I would have the option of employing more staff, or renting out to holistic therapists, leasing a sunbed, etc.
The rent and rates work out at £11,200 per annum, there are obviously other things to consider such as insurance, pdq machine, banking, etc - I have most of my equipment and products ready to go, just need a few bits and pieces so there isn't too much needed for that.
The salon is apparently ready to go (haven't view it yet), with the reception area all ready.
My question is (and the reason I haven't seen it as, if I do, I'll probably fall in love with it and want it!): is it a totally stupid idea to try to open a business at this time? Especially in the beauty industry?
It's just down from the railway station, just off the high street and right next to a newish (around 2-3 years) shopping centre, which is basically the new town centre.
Thanks in advance.