
Starting a diversity club?

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At my school i notice that people of color seem to struggle because they can't relate to the teachers i mean 25 percent of my school is black but we have no teachers of color . this year i was thinking about starting a diversity club that can range from topics like school and credits to graduate because a lot of ppl dont know about credits or next steps to college plus it could be a place where kids that are taking same classes can come together and eat and talk about assignments or issues i was thinking about adding a vent session where people can vent about in justices i don't know i just feel at my school they are setting the people of color up to fail and i want to help my peers and friends i mean we could address cultural issues and our society do any of you have any topics you would like to address that other kids may want to or even if your older what was something you wish you knew when you were in highschool or does anyone know how i can create a club like this all criticism or advice is welcome i want to do something to help other kids like me




  1. topics... umm may be racism, religion, feminism, homosexuality, politics... idk everything that is related to diversity and society is important

  2. Perhaps these struggling students should worry less about trying to relate to the teachers and concentrate on learning the subject matter at hand, instead.  Ultimately, it boils down to two factors: individual ambition and environment.  Students need to take responsibility for their own successes and failures as well and not completely rely upon others to "hold their hands" for them when faced with difficult situations.  How else will they learn to cope with and adapt to the real world when they enter adulthood?  They need to stop making excuses.

    For some, cultural backgrounds and upbringing play a huge role.  In some environments, particularly in poor urban areas, educational enrichment and self-motivation are inhibited, sometimes even frowned upon.  In these instances, some outside intervention may be necessary to keep the student from falling into the traps of "generational ignorance."  

    It should be the school adminstration's responsibility to at least make students more aware of graduation requirements and options regarding post-secondary plans (be it college, learning a trade, or military service).  If students have to rely primarily upon peer group sessions to get most of their information, then it shows either that teachers and adminstrators have failed at their own jobs or the students, themselves, are not that serious about their own education and see these "clubs" as nothing more than social meets.  

  3. Not trying to be negative but something tells me that sort of school club wont work in the long run without administrative support. Hope it works out for you guys though.  

  4. People of what ? To me , you just seem to be the sort who think people are racist towards you and end up making a club to be racists against them .

  5. its best to capitalize or use dots to separate thoughts....

    check it out with your counselor..

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