I want to start an aquarium and I need some advice. I plan on getting a 20 gallon glass aquarium. I do want some live plants but I don't want to go over board since I'm unexperienced with them. Just a few and then add some nice fake ones. For the plants I'm not sure what easy starter ones would be the best. I've seen grass and clover and I would also like some tall plants but I'm not sure if these would be the best. Next, I'm not sure what type of gravel to get I definately don't want sand but other than that what sould I get and what color would you recommend. The type of fish I definatly want to put in the tank would be a betta and then I can't decide between these: Platies, zebra danios, cherry barbs, cory cats, gold barbs, white clouds, swordtails, lemon tetra, blood fins, glowlights, serpae tetras and a fish that cleans the algea. Which of the fish and how many would be the best for a 20 gallon betta aquarium. I read that I need to heat the aquarium for the betta for which fish