
Starting a fund raising website... how to prove where the money is going.?

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I was thinking of starting a website to raise money and awareness for animal rescue, etc. I think I have everything about planned out except the proof. I want to be able to prove to people on where the money is going. What is a good way to do this? I want to be able to send money for select no-kill adoption agencies across the U.S. or sponsoring pets.




  1. Take a good long look at and

    especialy the first site.  You must qualify as a Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization for donors to consider sending you money and to avoid legal issues about accepting it.

    The other two sites show what you will be competing with and how you can improve your chances for acceptance by potential donors.

    It may also show you that there are already organizations doing what you plan to do well enough that you will want to join their efforts rather than start competing with them for funds.  

    Or you could decide to use your website to promote contributions to one or more of the organizations you learn about.  That wouldn't require Section 501(c)(3) qualification or money handling on your part.

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