
Starting a go-green club for school?

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besides starting up a recycling program, what are some other things we can organize to help my school go green??




  1. 1) If this schoool has a cafeteria, start a compost bin and use of of the green waste from lunches.

    2) Start an organic garden.

    3) shread and use waste paper in compost pile.

  2. Not sure if you're a teacher or parent or who, so here are some general suggestions -- apologies if you know them already.

    One, get other people on board. Two, do something SMART -- specific and achievable.


    You say "we" so probably you have a group. Get their expertise and commitment. Any idea that starts, "Someone should. . ." or "There ought to be . . . " is a waste of breath. Any idea that starts, "I can spare 2 or 3 Saturday mornings. . . " or "I can do X if someone else will help with Y" is a winner.


    Brainstorm what can be done with available resources. Going green can be structures from solar panels to playground painting; growing stuff (try website for Growing Schools) from tomatoes in hanging baskets to sunflowers for competitions (and birds); technology awareness from newspaper furniture (try Darcy Turner's website) to "found" music (ask the Music Advisory teacher about local samba schools); and, widening the vision, trips to City farms or ecology centres. Select just one idea at first, not too ambitious, and plan in some sort of publicity -- local papers or trade magazines (e.g. TES) are often willing to print a jolly photo of Class Five's home-grown herbs, which should give everyone a kickstart for the next project (after discussing the first one's pro's and con's).

    You've chosen the right time of year. A project begun now should yield some fun for the summer fete or sports day or whatever. BUT you have got the teachers' backing, haven't you? They have tons and tons of ideas and skill, and so long as you support them (offer help with library or repainting stockroom or just say Thank you), you'll do great things together. Good luck!

  3. The government has a program called National Energy Education Development (NEED) for schools with lots of resources available. Here is the contact information.

  4. .Compost

    .plant trees and other plants

    .replace lights with compact fluorocent bulbs

    .go to

    .get reusable water bottles

    .Install solar panels

    .get energy star monitors for computers

    .turn-off electrical appliances when not in use

  5. The Green Team at my school meets weekly.  The stuidents have made many construction paper cutouts of a shoe shape in green and black.  Every once in a while, they go down the halls at lunch and put a black foot on classrooms where the lights are on, and a green on where they are off.  This is a reminder to turn off the lights.  Then they take them off and reuse them again and again.

    I saw in the local paper that a high school collected all the recycling and garbage for 2 days in their school and had it on display by their office.  They were trying to make kids aware of how much they use and waste.

    Some schools also have kids take home the garbage from their lunches.  If they have to take it home, sometimes they quite bringing so much that has to be thrown out to begin with!

  6. ...don't use lots extra papers that u don't need to.

    ...teacher e-mail info to students if they have internet.

    ...use rags instead of paper towls to clean up messes

    ...install a hand dryer in the wash rooms(staff and student) instead of paper towls. there such a thing as "smart toilets" where they don't waste extra water.

    ...fix the water taps if there are any leaking

    ...put plants in each class room

    ...plant trees around the school

    ...teach each student how to use reuseable containers

    ...machancal pencils... i think those are good to the environment...u can get refills for then there aren't pencils laying on the ground that will go to the trash.

    ...for Christmas exchange (if u do that) use newspaper 2 wrap gifts that way it will get recycled.

    ...they have smart electrical plug ins that if u don't use the electronic it shuts off.

    ...use different products for cleaning. janitors can use natural products

    ...don't glue stuff down because if u do then you can't recycle it apparently.

    ...instead of writing down notes and waisting paper talk about the subject more that writting. or play games stuff like that.

    ...encourage students to reuse their binders and stuff from last year. less stuff going to the dump and less money spent. there a "junk yard" where if stuff is broken it just goes there? ask them to take it to the scrap yard or recycling place.

    ...encourage students to walk to school if possible

    ...ask staff to car pool on their way to & from work if not doing so already.

    ...try and make the bus routes as short as possible. not as many gasses and stuff going into the air.

    ...find body products that are "green" and natural to the environment. and give out free samples....if possible.

    ...some how change the attendace list so that there aren't as many papers being used and then wasted.

    ...newsletters can go home over the enternet if have.

    ...get newer appliences that are good to the environment

    and give the older ones to ppl in need.

    ...teach everyone how good it is to reduce reuse and recycle.

    ...instead of having a end of the school year where everyone burns their papers tell them to recycle them instead.

    .....that's about all that I can think about.....GOOD LUCK!!!!

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