You all may know me from past posts. I am currently working in a law firm and I am unhappy. I went on an interview today with another law firm and I am pretty confident I got the position. When you start a new job, what is expeted from you. I am a legal secretary and have some experience. Is it ok to make mistakes, the be scared because you are unfamiliar with their clients and so forth. What do employers expect from new employees and what kind of mistakes do they expect the employees to make. Also, how can I make the best of this I can and break myself in easily? This is a fresh start for me and I dont want to make some mistakes I've made in the past, like personal business at work. What are the do's and don'ts on a new job and what is expected from you and what do they expect......good and bad. This is a new start for me and im really excited and i want it to be the best experience ever! Any good advice?