
Starting a new life?

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Hi, well i'm a 13 year old teenage boy. I am in high schol and I am classed as one of the "hard" crew. I would now like to get out of this, so I want to move away from everything and start a new life in a rural villiage on my own, do you think this is possible? Can I get a job out there? obviously, I would need accomodation and other vital needs.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing your answers.



PS: I have found a place to stay but i dont know where I would get the money from, where could I get a job and also how much does a paper round pay?




  1. im afraid it would be very hard because of your age

    alot of people wont hire someone under the age of 15

    and a paper round only pays like £10-15 a week

    so would be hard to get by on that.

    glad to hear your trying to make a change though

    good luck.

  2. There's not a lot you can do if you are only 13 unfortunately.  I don't think companies can even employ you until you are 16 (pretty sure it is the law).  Paper rounds are one thing, but you couldn't live on the wages from that.

    Have you spoken to your parents/guardians about how you feel?  If not, you should do.  Sadly you really are stuck until you are of an age where you can earn a proper wage.  

    There are options however, depending on your circumstances.  Are there other relatives that you have who you could discuss this with - perhaps an aunt or uncle who live in a different area who would let you go to them for a while if moving isn't an option for anyone else in your immediate family?  Perhaps you have no immediate family and are under the care of a childrens home or foster carers or something.  If that's the case then speak to them about it.

    Do you have understanding teachers or perhaps a school counsellor?  You could also speak to them.  

    Sorry, but there's not much else I can suggest.  Please don't think about running away from home - that can be the start of a whole world of grief.  The best thing to do, if you can't move away, is to knuckle down at school, do as well as you can and then reconsider your options once you get closer to 16.  

    The last option i can think of is boarding school.  There are state run boarding schools (google for info) which cost a lot less.  If you are desperate to get away from the area you're in, then this could be something you could look into.  Other than that, changing schools in your own area looks like the best bet - however, you'd still see the crew you currently hang out with so that would no doubt be difficult.

    Sorry, I just can't think of any other ways around this.

  3. The first thing that came to my mind was that movie "The New Guy" . Do u have an adult moving with u? I dont understand exactly how are u going to pull that off at your age alone. Why are you wanting to run from your problems? I can read right threw u. I know whats going on. U want to get out of the rough group but you know that it will only cause problems for you. Now until u get out of school it will be hard 4 u 2 just change groups and u want 2 go somewhere that they dont know u. Dont run from your problems! Just start out fresh next year and slowly work yourself away from your bully friends. You can do it! We are all behind u and proud of u 4 making a wise decision on getting away from your bully friends! It dont pay to be a rough head!

  4. Unfortunately you're not legally allowed to live without a parent or guardian until you're 16, and the only jobs you can get before that age are babysitting, paper rounds etc - which don't pay nearly enough for you to afford reasonable accommodation anyway. For now, focus on working hard at school so that when you do turn 16, you can get a good job and earn enough money to start a new life. As for your friends, if you don't want to be part of that crowd anymore, try to make other friends at school. You're quite young and in the earlier stages of high school and so I'm sure you can easily make different friends now.

  5. Rover 456. I would like to speak with 2 of you that I have seen

    on this site this evening with in one & one half HRS. and the 2

    of you are 13 years yung out there beging for work then you sound like you @ the age of 13 YRS. you are talking that you are, or you have been starnew life. That is what some 40-50 years old person would say & I say SOME people.

    Now I would like to know where is your pairent Mother and or

    Father Who have you been living with???  I would o like to know where are you living I mean what country???  This is a

    d**n shame to here & see how children are raising them self today it is a d**n shame!  The first one is a girl now comes you a boy so it goes with boys & girls and you do not sound like a bad young man These things hearts my gut.!!!!

    I wish I could fiend you two but I hope the two of you would keep your head on your body & do not do any thing that you should not do, and get your self in trouble. d**n IT,  IT HEARTS AND YOU ARE NOT RELATED TO ME ALTHO ALL OF YOU CHILDREN ARE MINE YOU ARE AIKE THE 5


  6. where are your parents in all this? paper rounds don't pay that much love. can you just change schools and get a new circle of friends

  7. paper rounds dont cost much and many people dont employ 13 year olds wait a few years and start by changing schools becuase that might help

  8. I can't afford to live on my own and I am an adult with a full time job so trust me, you are going nowhere anytime soon. Just change schools.

  9. lol, you;ll be ok just stay where you are keep ya self to ya self innit
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