
Starting a new school during my senior year.?

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I am moving in with my Grandmother and i am also starting a new school my problem is this is my senior year. new school, no friends, and to make matters worse i don't even know how to find my locker, class, or even the lunch room.





  1. dont worry i think ull b fine, as long as u stand out and be social you should be ok...jus try to make as much friends as possible in your classes and especially your lunch because ur usually in there for a long time and it helps to have friends to chill with during lunch...dont worry bout who u make friends with just try to be friendly to everyone that way ull have a whole bunch of ppl to chill with and try out for any activities if they interest you...the most important thing is not be shy. i hope this helpedd :) msg me if u need ne thing elsee

  2. Guess we're in the same boat then.

    Im going to be a senior in a new school too.

    Its pretty nerve wrecking now that i think of it as

    schools is starting soon.

    To make MY matters worst is that im from another country

    and i am like totally not familiar with the high school

    system here.

    I know, just imagine having lunch aloneeeee.

  3. me toooo, i'm going through the same thing :(

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