
Starting an Activist Group for Universal Health Care... Free of charge.?

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Hi guys! I'm starting an activist group for Universal Healthcare. Please express your opinions... and if you would like to be apart of it please email me... I plan on taking this as far as possible. Just email me at and those of you with medical horror stories too please! This is not survival of the fittest, nor should our credit be ruined over a heart attack or cancer. If you are reading this I ask that you at least consider shedding some light on the situation.




  1. There no such thing as a free lunch....  How are you going to pay for it? Let me guess, raise taxes?

  2. you may want to check with canada and england before you waste your time.socialized medicine does not may want to talk to some war veterans and ask them about va health care in the is worse than the post office.find another wind mill to conquer.....

  3. No one has free anything...its called raising taxes. Your so naive to think universal healthcare means free healthcare.  I wish I could live in the fantasy world you do.

  4. Sounds great Mandi! Who's going to pay for it?

  5. There is something FAR superior to UHC on every level.

    One author did her research and devised a COMPREHENSIVE plan that is voluntary, free market, and offers choice. That's what I'd implement.

    QUALITY, ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE health care for all.

    That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare "donut holes" the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low "caps" on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented).

    Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on

    Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World

    Basically what you get is the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP programs all rolled into one and OPENED UP to all US citizens and legal residents.


    Everyone on it gets:

    one physical

    one follow up visit

    IF needed one ER visit

    with co-pays per year

    DISCOUNTED prescription meds based on negotiation and bulk buying--savings passed on.

    Because it is TRULY affordable, the PREMIUM, CO-PAYS, and what constitutes "catastrophic expense" are ALL needs-based. Therefore, the retired poor, disabled (who are usually poor), and working poor could find that $2K in a year is THEIR catastrophic trigger. Someone with an excellent job and benefits could find his level is $10K--so if he is hit with a heart attack or cancer he won't go bankrupt.

    Funding IS explained in the book and resolves taxpayer abuse right now. No new taxes for people. No employer mandates. No fines. None of that nonsense is needed.

    Nathan would also REQUIRE price transparency--prices MUST be posted for procedures. People can shop around and get the best deal as they do with EVERYTHING else in life--NO more surprises.

    All private insurance can still exist--doesn't change that at all. However ALL insurance plans MUST abide by contract law which is ROUTINELY violated with impunity now with legit claims being denied.

    Antitrust laws would also be enforced--but, again, with this new insurance, that would make a massive positive change.

    KEY point: we would greatly increase the number of slots to MED school, as well as nursing and other allied health fields. NOW we turn away THOUSANDS of well-qualified students. That is stupid. It leads to a great evil that the world pays for--we fill 25% of our residencies with grads from foreign med schools. That means we STEAL from poorer countries who probably PAID the med school ed of the student and will NEVER get a doctor out of the bargain. We also end up with non-native speakers unfamiliar with American culture and mistakes and problems arise. VERY bad policy all around--no one wins. We also ROUTINELY RAID nurses from other countries--with a worldwide shortage of nurses, this is WRONG.

    IF we lacked qualified Americans you might want to try to justify this idiocy. We don't. It's immoral AND costly to everyone.

    Nathan discusses making the ed more affordable as well.

    Anyone LEGALLY here (such as foreign students) would be eligible for the plan.

    Illegals are NOT to be covered or given any benefits, but there is something addressing their bills. As ER abuse is addressed in general, they wouldn't be getting away with stiffing the taxpayer like they do now anyway AND you'd see a reduction in the accounting games that hospitals pull as well.

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