
Starting an enviornment club???

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well, me and my friend are starting a club-like thing for the enviornment, we already have the name down. we're in sixth grade, and we want to make the club for the school *elementary school * . we're going to ask the principal, but we want to have everything planned out. no flyer ideas please! What can we plan out, and what can we do/make to present to the principal so we can convince him to let us start the club and arrange events and stuff??




  1. I'm sure he will. It would be a good idea to get a staff member/teacher to sponser you, try the biology/science teachers.

    Also have a list of ideas that the school can come together and do for recycling.

    Have fundraising ideas and other small event ideas (such as planting trees)

    Ask your parents for ideas.

  2. Wow, this is great.  I love hearing this kind of thinking from a 6th grader.

    For starters, I would think about what it is you want from the principal - e.g. his permission to have a room after school for the club meetings, a teacher to supervise, anything else.... then, I would think about how the club will be able to help out the school - e.g. managing the recycling program, educational plays about the environment, etc.  If you can show him how a club will be mutually beneficial to the members and the school, you will have more success in accomplishing your goal.  


  3. get a petition from people to see if they would join..make an agenda..what you want to discuss, what youw ant to accomplish..what do you think it will do for the school.

    I think it's a great idea.

  4. i really dont care about that enviorment junk

  5. oh my gosh!  Great idea!

    I am also in Middle School and am actually starting a group like such!  Well, first of all I would just ask the grade (take a survey thing) to see who might be interested.  Maybe at assembly or something just say it's an  idea and if people are interested.  Then, move forward.  Well, I suggest either choose to meet at lunch or after school.  Make it a day that you know most people won't be busy.  Then, scratch out a few things you want to talk about for the first few meetings.  (what peoples' opinions are, how they feel about it, etc.)  Then, think of a few things that you might want to do first.  One good idea might be draw/write signs encouraging recycling etc. to put around the school.  These are the signs me and my friends did:

    -recycle (the obvious!  just decorate it and stuff)

    -what have you done to the world today?  

    -polar bears need a home, too

    -environmental revolution

    -do your part

    -what kind of world do you want your grand children to live in?

    -we can change the world

    -we only have one earth-lets protect it.

    That's an easy yet very good first step.  Another 'project idea' would to be make sure every classroom has a paper recycling bin.  You can contact local recycling centers etc.

    You can check if there are bins for recycling bottles in your school (the cafeteria is a good place to start) you can start a program to assemble bottle recycling bins.

    Those are a few small, yet productive good first steps.

    My group and I have come a long way, and we wish you the best!



    : )

    good luck!

  6. If you approach your principal with a plan,you should be good.A presentation has to be convincing,so be organized.Start with your smallest concerns,anjd then bowl him over with your biggest point.

  7. Well you could ask youre principal to take some walks with the school and pick up the trash or you could make posters to make people realize what they are doing to our planet Lol that are my ideas hope I helped :P

  8. A club is a great idea.  Here's another suggestion:

    Get an adult sponsor - teacher, parent, etc. - and contact your local USDA Service Center/Soil and Water Conservation District.  This agency sponsors an event called Envirothon.  Teams (clubs) learn about environmental concerns and then compete at local, regional and state field events in a mix of areas having to do with the environment and natural resources conservation.  It is a lot of fun and you get some real educational value, too.

  9. first ask your science teacher to help you and ask her to support your club, the first and most important thing is that you ahve a teacher to back you up. first you can explain statistics and so some research to him or write him a research paper but keep it short cause principals are usually busy. tell the principal it gives his/her students a oppurtinty to help out aroudn to neighborhood and be aware of the enviromental issues and tell him/her it teaches them to help save our environment.

  10. Consider delivering an established programme like Roots of Change

    this will then provide the credible resources & structure acceptable to headmasters, with clear objectives & outcomes. also be clear how you will benefit, eg leadership & facilitation skills

    eg What insights into sustainability can we gain from traditional cultures? What does 'development' really mean? What is 'progress'?

    The 'engines' of progress: technology, conventional economic thinking, formal schooling and corporate power.

    Globalisation and the spread of the consumer monoculture.

    Resistance and renewal: shifting direction to rebuild community and reconnect with the land.

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