I'm sixteen. And I was searching online for some youth organization about helping the world [or country] to make it a better place. But I didn't find anything, not even a forum. It made me rather sad that there's no national organization like that [or i am aware of] And... I don't know, I have alot of strong opinions about our country [america i mean] and it needs a lot of change, and it feels like no one is doing a d**n thing. I know I'm not alone with these opinions. I know that I want to do something with me life that'll make a difference. What if starting an organization for the youth that actually stands for something? Basically try to change things in society and spread a message of helping others, the golden rule? Is this a silly idea to do with your life? I don't know the first thing about this kind of task. Could I have some opinions/guidance/wisdom about this please? I'd really appreciate it. What should I be doing now? Right now, I'm just researching on the issues.