
Starting at a community college early?

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I want to transfer into a university, however, I want to start taking college classes while I'm still in high school... this way by the time I graduate high school I only have a year or so left at home and I can go to a university faster.I was thinking about at the starting next semester.I'm currently in 11th grade so I'm pretty sure i can start at the local community college but I was wondering if anyone had any reasons why i shouldn't or just some other things i should consider. I can still play sports and things and im in AP classes now but Id rather my senior year be easy classes instead of all AP requirements...... is this a good idea? lol




  1. It is a good start when you already started to think like a college students or maybe you will act as a college students when you are a high school students. Even though it is difficult we should do that for our future life so that when we are college student the difficulties become easy to us.

  2. Well GPA doesn't matter at a cc so it doesn't matter if you take AP classes that last semester or not. Also if you earn 30 or more credits in CC then the university doesn't even look at your HS transcript. So the only downside would be that all the work you put into HS would be useless for the CC.

  3. honestly, I think it's a horrible idea

    AP is the way to go! become more involved w the school w your extra time; study for your AP exams

    AP exams=college credit+HS fun

  4. NO, its not because you can just apply straight to the universities if you have good grades and great SAT scores. Besides, you dont have to take AP classes during your senior year. You can just take regular classes and do really well in them. Regular classes still count. I dont think you are required to take any AP classes as a senior.

    Also, it is my understanding that your high school has to approve the classes you can take at your local community college and there probably are set times (state law) where your high school are in session. It is kind of complicated to be in high school and to be enrolled in community college at the same time. I think its better for you to just stick to high school right now and apply directly to the 4 year universities OR stick to high school and apply for community college after you get  you graduate from high school. Thus, you would have more class times to choose from and you wouldnt have to get approval from your high school. Also, it can eliminate basic level classes that you might have to take at the community college (for example, if you finish pre-calculus in high school, you can just take the placement test at the community college for calculus and probably get placed into a calculus class)  

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