
Starting at a new private school- how can I make a good impression?

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Hey guys-

Next week I'll be starting school at this very prestigious and great private school that I was lucky enough to get into. Unfortunately, I don't know anybody in the school and from what I hear from my friends who have met people that go there, there is a lot of drama and some of the girls can be quite B_____y. I really want to make a lot of new friends and be on good terms with everybody this year. How can I do that?




  1. Be yourself. Best piece of advice I can give. In private schools, students generally tend to focus much more on their studies and entering university than sports or frivolous activities. This means that you will work harder than you've probably ever worked for academics. Teachers are there to HELP YOU. This doesn't mean you need to start sucking up, but that you should realise it might be a good idea to email your Maths teacher at 7pm if you're stuck on an assignment. Make sure that you take the INITIATIVE and email, call, or inform your teachers ahead of time for absences or if there's an unavoidable circumstance. If you got swamped by your science project and didn't quite get your French done, email your teacher and let her know. More than likely, she'd be thrilled to give you an extension provided this wasn't the 18th time you've asked. Be friendly. Find friends who will be supportive, fun, like-minded, and focused on their education. Stay away from those who party their parents' money away.

    And, yes, you will find Biotchy people everywhere. They do exist. But, as I've found, those in the public sector are jealous of those in private. My public school students warned me that my private school kids would be super biotchy, rude, stuck-up, and über wealthy snobs. This was so opposite from what my private school kids turned out to be. And then they said the same about public schoolers!

    Relax. Know you're going into a safe environment and a close-knit community where everyone is there to HELP you succeed.  

  2. Talk to everyone you meet, say hi to them in the hallways. Be social, but don't get involved in anything between people.

    Remember to always smile, i read somewhere 90%+ of what people interpret is through body language. If someone is passing by you smile and say hey whats up ____.

  3. well just be yourself and join extra curriculars so you can meet people that share your intrests

    i personally hate drama too and what i do is stay out of it and it works i don't get involved with girl fights and stuff yet my friends are still awsome good luck you seem to have the right idea and not want to be fake and im sure you'll have a good time

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