
Starting boxing, help with nutrition and routine.?

by Guest59138  |  earlier

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I have always been an avid boxing fan even though none of my friends care for the sport, and Ive recently came to realization that previously I had no drive to better myself physically or as a person. After watching several boxing matches including the incredible margarito & cotto fight, I realived how much drive and heart these boxers have and how great it would be to challenge myself to get fit and become an amateur boxer. I am 16 and I know a lot about boxing and I have a punching bag outside which now use every day. I am trying to lose weight before i join a boxing gym,(i know i am chubby) I weigh 205 and I know i should and could be 170. I am currently running, jump roping, lifting weight with high reps at my house. If anyone knows about a diet plan or exersice plan that would help me, please let me know. This is more about getting in shape first, then testing my skills at boxing, but if you know anything that would help ( I will appreciate any bit of advice).




  1. i did boxing for nearly a year now, same as you i use to be chubby(97kg , 183cm), I guess you should get a good coach he'll explain you situation,and now im only 90kg but very fit, but you shouldnt modify you diet too much ......,and btw my coach always tellin me not to worry about your weight , you should focus on your strength and stamina and getting used to the training schedule...drink plain water and sweat alot

  2. That's good that you're trying.

    The food schedule i would recommend to you is SMALL but MANY meals.

    Like let's say 5 small meals and 2-3 snacks per day.

    I don't know your schedule so i'm gonna let you figure that one out. make sure you space them in your schedule.

    Also watch what you're drinking.

    More water,milk. Less soda,kool-aid, lemonade.

    As for food.. it's pretty obvious.

    - Light meals, nothing greasy.

    - a soup is a good meal (progresso brand ones)

    - Snacks should be half to whole sandwich.

    ( Be sure to rest for a few minutes after each meal )

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