
Starting college on Wednesday. Can somebody please help me calm down!?

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I get nervous at really small things so imagine what I'm like with this. keep having visions everything will go wrong. That I'll miss the bus (think the last time I went on a bus was when I was 5), go to the wrong place, get lost, forget things etc. etc. I've completely bitten off every bit of nail I could on my fingers so now I have manky hands as well. I'll always try and talk to new people but with things like this, I start to stutter, can't get my words out, twitch and basically end up looking like an idiot.

It's not that bad is it? Someone please reassure me!




  1. hey i was the same when i started my college course. just take a deep breath it will be fun they give ya a settling in period so its no big deal bein late, missin your bus or get lost. before you know it your strutting around like ya own the place i promise. keep tellin yourself that your confident they will be just as scared as you its easier to make friends when ya in the same boat. i hope ya have a great time and have loads of fun

  2. Today, catch the bus to the college, then when you go tomorrow you will know which bus, where to get it, how long it takes.

    Everyone else will be feeling nervous so stop worrying.

  3. Dont worry!

    You wont miss the bus, everyone goes to the wrong place and gets lose, you wont forget anything. Everyone bites their nails, i did til i was like 11.

    Dont forget, everyones in the same boat on the first day - not knowing anyone and making new friends. I started college last year and the first day is always the worst but now i love it! I've made loads of new friends, my health class are like my sisters!

    Give it a couple of weeks and itll be like you've been there forever.

    Good Luck!

  4. Don't worry.  Most professors expect that a lot of people will show up late on the first day.  They'll be okay with you showing up late, and won't be upset.  

    If you're worried about missing the bus, maybe you can try to take it tomorrow to your class.  You might also be able to go into the buildings to see exactly where your classes are.  That way, you'll be able to find them on your own time and you will worry less about finding them later.  Even if you do miss the bus and don't make it to class at all, most professors will be pretty lenient with attendance on the first day, so it's not the end of the world (even though it probably seems like it is).

    And being nervous when you talk to new people is okay.  It sounds like it's your first year.  Chances are, a lot of the other people in your classes will be in their first year, and some of them will be just as afraid as you.  Most of them will be happy that you are making an effort to talk to them, and anybody who judges you based on your being nervous on the first day of school probably isn't worth making friends with anyway.

    All that happens in most classes on the first day is that the teacher will give you a syllabus explaining the class policies and schedule for the semester.  They will go over the syllabus and explain what will be expected of you (homework, tests, etc.).  That will give you a chance to ease into your classes, and hopefully knowing what to expect on the first day will make you a little less scared.  

    Good luck!

  5. well, don't worry about it, you're going to s***w up anyways so just face it. have someone slap you a few times to calm you down, that works for me. keep your manky hands in your pockets and wear tennis shoes because you know you will have to run because you will miss the bus.

    or you could just take a valium and a couple of shots of whiskey to calm you down. good luck and i hope this helps.

  6. Emily~ I agree with Rousseau..plan accordingly (know where you are going, etc.) you will do just fine! Even better than fine!

    You are one smart cookie, and you will soar and just do superbly!

    Plus, I am sure at this point, you are edging ever closer to that coveted Top Contributor title in the men's health section. That right there is a HUGE accomplishment. I'd suggest getting a big lapel pin made that says "Yahoo Top Contributor"...they will all love you even more at school if they know this :O) Or better yet, just stick a bumper sticker on your rear that says I LOVE Men's Health. You will be the talk of your school!

  7. 2 weeks from now you'll wonder what all the fuss was about. You'll be fine. Get your stuff organized, set your clock and memorize the bus schedule. I had diarrhea for a week before starting college. I was a mess. The diplomas and nursing license made it all worthwhile. Come back in 2 weeks and let us know how you are.

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