
Starting high school. make-up?

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I'm starting high school this year. I have never worn much make-up before, but I want to make a good impression. Does anyone have some good make-up tips for beginners. Also, I have fair skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair, if that helps. Thanks!




  1. Loreal Mascara

    Shadows in odd colors

    And almay eyliner

    im starting highschool too and these are a must

  2. Maybe some cover up if you need some. If you don't need any, don't wear it! My favorite is Almay. It works amazing on me. Also, for blue eyes I would wear eyeliner. But don't wear too much. For eyeshadow, I would wear a pink shimmer. Apply it to the bottem of your eye as well. I love almay mascara as well. Dark black mascara looks great for blue eyes! Almay also has a trio eyeshadow kit for brown, hazel, green and blue eyed people. Check it out! I use it for my hazel eyes! Hope this helps!

  3. wear eyeliner.

    i believe every girl should wear eyeliner

    it makes you look 100 percent better.

    and if you are starting to get zits than wear some foundation but do not glob it on.

    Maybe you should go to a makeup place such as sephora or macys and they can give you a make over with there makeup and you can see how you look and what you like best..

    good luckk :)

  4. Purchase a Mineral compact, there are several brands at walmart- its is VERY light and will give you a smooth soft look, you dont want to begin with foundation if your skin doesnt need it.  use an egg plant eyeliner or a brown to compliment your light eyes, curl 'em too.  make sure you put on a coat of mascara.  Line your lips in a nude color and fill in with a lip gloss to give you a fresh NATURAL look.  If there is a MAC makeup counter in your area, stop by there and ask them to help you, its free so take advantage of their help!

  5. For eyeshadow purple works for ANYBODY so try purple eyeshadow. You can get a cute pink hairband to go with ur hair too. Oh and for lipgloss try something light and pink.

  6. light foundation

    colored eye shadow (dont put on so much that you look like a s***k tho haha)

    light eyeliner

    MASCARA!! never leave without it.

    blush (not a neseitty but nice to have)

    i  put a light shimmer on my face to have a shimmer to my face!

  7. fair skin, blue eyes hmm well you dont want over do it so

    try black eyeshadow just a little bit on each lid, for the lips like a clear lip gloss its good for beginers

    cheeks- a poppy pink that wont make you look pale or make your hair look to dark for your skin

  8. i think that a dark color blue would bring o0ut your eyes like crazyyy.

    try Covergirl's eye enhancers in sapphire sparkle... only $3 at any drugstoree.

    and then use an eyelining brush to also line your bottom lashes with the same color.

    and then just a simple gloss and a little brozer or maybe even a light pink blush on the apples of your checks whould look nice.

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