
Starting high school soon...?

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In about 2 weeks, I am going to start high school. As a freshman, I am sort of nervous and excited but I don't know what to expect. None of my friends are going to the same high school as me so I am extremely worried about making friends. What if i don't have anyone to sit with at lunch? What if I get lost and can't find my classes? If you have been through high school, give me tips. thnks




  1. high school is nothing to be scared about. FIrst day of class, you do nothing but introduce yourself (what i hate most). and then you go to other classes. Lunch time can be horrible for people who don't know anyone (just for the first few days) Just get your lunch and go sit somewhere by yourself listening to your ipod or something. It is okay because no one is gonna remember where and what everyone is doing on their first day of high school. Who cares about the upperclassmen looking at you. Look at them back cuz seriously, just cus they're upperclassmen does not mean that they are any cooler. If you get lost, the teacher will understand unless you go to schools likeyou see on TV. My high school was not the typical school where there's popular people and stuff like that. Honestly, I think the nerds were the coolest at my school. ahah. join cross country. its pretty fun. you'll meet friends that way. they start early cuz they condition over the summer arleady. Just join that and be cool that you're in a sport already!. Lol  k hope helps. I thought hgih school was scary but it realy wasn't. it's a piece of cake. just do your best . k bye

  2. i felt the exact same way when i first started. and it was the exact opposite.  i received a map to find all my classes, at lunch most people sit in the hallways so just look for someone you know.  the is no freshman initiations (at least at my school).  it was a great fist week.  the first couple of days are mainly learning about the school, and probably come assembly's. im in grade 11 next year, and i love high school way better.  the only problem i had was one particular teacher. she gave a math quiz on the FIRST DAY!!!!!

    anyways, don't get freaked out, and have fun!

  3. i'm going through the same thing. i think that all the freshmen are going to feel this way, so i wouldn't worry too too too much. good luck.:-)

  4. high school is very overwhelming.  Its easy to make friends, you'll be fine.

  5. I feel the same way ;; although my friends are going to the same school. Im just quite nervous because i'm afraid I will walk into lunch with no one to sit with, and Im afraid that all of my friends will change and everything.

    But as for now, im just trying to look on the bright side of it ;; you can meet  new people ;; getting ready for the real world ;; having fun!  

  6. no one likes freshmen. you will be teased by seniors.expect that

  7. Visit your school's website or the school itself so you feel more comfortable. Also, make friends before you have lunch, that way when lunch roles around you'll have some friends to sit with. Don't worry, everyone is also new, so they probably are feeling the same as you.  

  8. have had 3 years of high school already...

    i didn't make friends quickly...erm at all...

    so i just filled my schedule with a lot of classes so that i wouldn't have a lunch period. does it suck? yea! and after 3 years of high school busting my a**, i end up having to repeat junior year because i took off too much time to be with my dad when he was before at least i could've said i don't have time for a social life, im trying to get into a great college. but now that my piers are a year ahead of me, i'll be referred to as the dumba** with no friends...

    good luck in high school lol

  9. Relax and don't worry. Making friends in high school is easy, just talk to the person sitting next to you and say hi or something.  I made all of my friends that way.  now were best buds.  If you see someone that you had a previous class with be friendly don't ignore them.  Don't act too desperate for some one to hang with , or they might think you only care about not being by yourself rather than the person

  10. Best thing to do is to make quick friends in your first few classes.

    Like if you've got fifth hour lunch, try to make friends in your first four classes... it'll be easiest to do it in your core classes - math, science, english, history... because there will be a lot of other freshies.

    If you don't make fast friends, don't be afraid to ask people if you can sit with them. Find some girls who you think you'd get along with and ask if you can sit there.

    Don't be discouraged if the first table or two says no, just do it again.

    No one knows you, so you can't be disliked on the first day, get my drift? I'm sure you'll find some very nice people who will love for you to sit with them at lunch though.

    But it'll be crowded, and new, but the classes will be exactly like in middle school.

    I don't know what your school's policies are, but read up on the basic rules (i.d. cards, what to do to get a detention, basic dress code rules) and make sure you get those down first. Everything else is a breeze.

    Also, don't be afraid to join clubs/sports. Any kind of after school activity is great. Before you know it, all those "lame" activities you heard of on tv will be completely normal. Like band or speech team. Geeky? Not if you get a scholarship from one of them!

    So good luck, hun! I hope you found a cute first-day outfit. Who knows, maybe you'll even find a cute boy to show you around! ;)

  11. High school is fine, i had the same worries on my first day but in the end i didn't know what i was worrying about. you Will make Friends and you won't get lost and even if you do ask a teacher another student or the office.

  12. High school is honestly so much different from middle school. Everyone is new and everyone makes friends with everyone. Grade doesn't matter as much because you will have classes with all sorts of aged people. But just introduce yourself to people in your classes. And don't be afraid to walk up to people at lunch and ask to sit with them. Many of the other students will be new too. Just remember to smile and be approachable and not to be shy to approach others. I went to a new school my senior year, and getting involved in some kind of activity also helps because then you can meet people with similar interests and lifestyles, etc. Hope I helped!

  13. hi!  I'm a freshman in college this year so ive been through the H.S. thing. I was like you in that NONE of my friends went to me school..  Just be friendly to people. I'm sure you will make friends.  If you cant ind a class just ask a staff member.  Everyone is worried about lunch.. Don't worry.. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone to sit with...(maybe from a class before lunch.)  Everything will work out..  

    Good luck in high school!!!!!

  14. don't try too hard fitting in, because its NOT gonna work, and upperclassmen are gonna get to you b/c they might think you're trouble.

  15. im gonna be a junior...dont worry OF COURSE u will make friends just be talkable and be friendly to EVERYBODY they may be friends to someone else and u will make more and more friends....and by the way....FRESHMAAAANANANANN im sorry jk...hope all goes well for u and good luck ;)

  16. i just started too!

    I would find some one in ur first per

    then talk with them and see if u have any other classes with them

    see if u have the same lunch

    just start talking to people

    it works

  17. im going next year and everyone says highschool is fun. i wouldnt worry. have fun !!:)

  18. one thing, dont do drugs. I have seen some of the most popular people tunred into total sleez bags and dirtballs because all they do is get high and drink. Its discusting. Also, dont sleep around. People hate freshman s***s

  19. hey this is my first year of high school too!!

    and i was soo scared! and my school is huge and i did get lost a lot the first 3 days.  just get a map and learn the school :)

                  and dont worry about friends there every where just be yourself and youll find the group you belong with :)♥♥

                      and GOOD LUCK!!

    o and for lunch try to find someone to sit with before lunch so you know where!!

  20. I was like that once upon a time but it goes away after a week or so. In my situation however, a lot of the kids from elementary school were in the same high school so it worked out but I was still nervous of the older kids but it goes away don't worry about it and keep ya head up.

  21. Me too ! :D Same way I felt :] . Well I won't see any of my friends because I'm moving to house/school. It's ok, to feel nervous I'm going through worse. Don't worry you should be fine, go to the school orientation or just talk to someone who has the same class or schedule as you. It's normal for first day getting lost. Sorry I don't have any tips for you :[ I'm going to Freshmen in two weeks!  

  22. There will be people in the same situation as you. I started in a new school in 9th and then again in 10th grade and I was ok. Be yourself, be open to making new friends and you'll be ok.

    All freshmen get lost at one point. What I used to do was go to school the day before it opened (they usually open their doors a day early to give teachers a chance to settle in) and I took my schedule and saw where each classroom was that I had class in. It definitley made the first day much easier.  

  23. I'm sure you'll be fine, I'm going into the same year but because I'm english I'm already at the top of the school...when I started secondary though I had the same worries but it all turned out to be fine. Everyone is in the same boat as you so it'll be easy to make friends. if you get lost just ask someone like a teacher. maybe stay away from the higher students. Your not really gonna go 4 years without making one friend so relax and don't worry about it. It'll be fine.....=]


  25. Well, just focus on your work. Avoid fake friends. Listen to teachers. Get involved. I started HS in 2000, graduated 2004. Glad I don't have to go to school again.

  26. aaaww thats sooooo cute

    dont worry errrything will be alright

  27. Don't worry. I just started as a freshman this Tuesday. It's great at my school (Hilliard Davidson High School if you've ever heard of it) even though there's 2500 kids which I've heard is a lot from all my relatives. I've already made a couple pretty good friends (that I'm eager to sit next to in class) without even doing anything. I'm the type of guy that just sits there and won't try to make the first move towards friends and just talk to someone, so friends shouldn't be a problem. I never got lost in that big old school, but thats because they gave us a map. Although I guess it's sorta different for me because all my friends go to my school, but I only see them at lunch except for one or two of my classes (it's a large school and everyone gets split up into their own teams and classes which sucks). Hope that helped and you have a great freshman year.

  28. I just got finished with my first two weeks of being a freshman, and for me, the first day is the worst. But after that, the only way to go is up :] Trust me, you'll make friends if you are friendly.

    Tips? Uhmm don't make fun of upperclassmen, hang onto your books as if they were your life (cause they pretty much are), and just look on the bright side of everything.

    If you don't have someone to sit with at lunch, look for someone either alone or with a few other friends that looks friendly, and ask if you can sit by them.

    Just remember not to stress; it'll be ok :]

    Good luck!

  29. i'm going through the same thing as you are..but not really

    i am starting my freshman year in COLLEGE

    my friends are still in high school and my best friend went to study abroad

    if you're worried about not having friends, don't worry! this is a great way to make NEW ONES

    don't worry about the cliques. just be YOU

    don't have anyone to sit with at lunch?

    pick a table. any table. sit down, introduce yourself, and start and convo

    it also helps to mingle with not only kids from your class, but also upperclassmen. not necessarily juniors and seniors [although that would be great too] but also sophomores. sophomores know exactly what it is to feel new..and they know the place so ask them to direct you to the right floor, hall, and room.

    time to spread your a new network and have fun!

    trust me, everything will be just fine.

    good luck!

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