
Starting high school this august. (some questions)

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ok so i have a couple questions:

1. ok so our school's first day is going to be a full day

so can you buy lunch there or should i just bring money for the machines?

2. should i just bring a notebook and pen? since we don't really get to our lockers until halfway through the day.

3. on the first days, am i going to be in classes with upperclassmen?

(i'm in 2 advanced classes)

4. is lunch the same time for every grade?

5. what would you wear on pep assembly days? (go all out with random spirit stuff like tutus, or just wear a school t-shirt)

6. finally, about the they dress in kinda the same things we did in middle school (pac sun, wetseal, hollister, ae, etc.) or are they much more laid back?




  1. I have an answer to Every one of you questions.

    1. My first day of school as a freshman I decided to bring money for the machines and a regular lunch. I really had no clue when or where I would eat lunch so I was prepared for both. It turned out the teachers tell you what lunch you have.

    2.yes, a notebook and pen will be great. DO NOT come to school with all you school supplies for the year. Not only will you look like you don't belong, but your back or shoulder will hurth badly by the end of the day (if you don't get ur lockers the first day)

    3.Yes, you absolutely will. Especially in your elective classes. Sometimes the upperclassmen can be scary, but you'd be surprised most of them will just talk to you like a regular human being and not just a freshman.

    4. well, unlike middle school lunch is not separated by grade. In my school there are two lunch periods..... they just separate the entire school into two equal parts, so just cross you fingers for the the earlier lunch period.

    5. Homecomming week everyone is going to be SOO excited about being back in school that they will deck themselves out in school spirit. (i'm talking different colored socks, hair color, school sweatshirts, and sports uniforms as far as the eye can see) Some people just don't care about pep assemblies so they just wear their normal clothes.

    6. Well in highschool you can dress yourself however you want. Most of the preppy people wear the brands you mentioned. I'm sorry to mention cliques, but there really are alot of them. I normally just dress in whatever the heck I want, it really doesn't matter that much what you wear.

    Finally, have fun and don't forget highschool is all about preparing you for college so STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. :)

  2. 1) Bring a lunch from home. That way, you won't have to wait in line.

    2) Bring everything you need and just carry it in your bookbag. It's possible. Last year I had to carry all of my books in my bookbag because I forgot my combination.

    3)If you're in AP classes, yes. If you mean Geometry or an Honors, probably not.

    4)No. Your lunch depends on which teacher you have. May be different at your school, but I doubt it. At my school, 9th graders have lunch with all other classes.

    5) A school T-Shirt. Usually the Seniors go berserk at pep rallies.

    6)Depends pm your style. I know my style changed drastically once I hit high school. But it doesn't matter what you wear. As long as it matches the dress code. But at my school, I see very little Hollister, AE, and pac sun. Most people don't even care much about matching (which I think is cool).

  3. Before I answer your questions, I just want to let you know that all schools are different, just so you know. I'm answering your questions based on my experience, but I'm going to try to answer your questions the best I can.

    1.  All schools have a cafeteria. Yes, you can buy lunch from there. Depending on your parents' income, you might even be eligible for free or discounted breakfasts and lunches.

    2.  Notebook and a pen is fine. But I would suggest to buy a binder so you can just carry that instead of a notebook for each class especially if you'll only be able to go to your locker once a day. Also, it'll be easier to add more paper this way. Usually there's enough time between classes to get to your locker but that really depends on the school.

    3.  Most freshmen classes won't have upperclassmen unless they failed the class. But since you're in advance classes, you most likely would have sophomores or maybe even juniors in your class. It also depends on what classes they are. Don't be intimidated by them because if they're in your class, it just means your smarter than they are. Ha!

    4.  They're all the same time but some schools have two or maybe even three different lunch time depending on how big your school is. They do this so lunch lines don't get too crowded. Your lunch time would  depend on your class schedule.

    5.  I don't know how much school spirit you have but normally, just wear what you would wear to school. It doesn't really matter. Some school have spirit days where you wear your class color or school color but it's usually not mandatory.

    6.  Clothes is pretty much the same as grade school. It's up to you want to wear. Most schools are pretty casual. Some are strict about baggy pants for guys and tight shirt or short skirts for girls. For my school, girls can't wear tank tops that are less than two inches wide straps. It's a little dumb but I can see why they have dress codes.

    I hope this answers your questions. You can email me if you need anymore advice. Congratulations and I wish you all the best in high school.  

  4. All of those questions depends on the school.  

  5. 1. Lunch lines maybe super long, you can even bring lunch from home, or do what I did, buy from the vending machines.  But don't forget about weight gain.  Eating constantly from vending machines-though very tempting in your busy schedule, is not always healthy.

    2. Bring the supplies you think you'll need necessary for each class, better to go overprepared than underprepared. But don't look like an idiot either, be reasonable. They probably will just get you kind of oriented the first day--so don't worry about much.

    3. Yes, you might be with upperclassmen. just don't try to attract their attention. Because when I was a senior and we had lower-classmen they would only get a hard time from us--or we would only make of them when they would act immature to get attention--even though we were the most immature out of all-upperclassmen will be dumb and clueless-remember for seniors, it's there last year-and frankly they don't care what happens-atleast none of us did-they can afford to slack off-you can not, they have already have sent in college apps-you still have to send college apps and have about 3 years of good/bad/crazy times ahead of you.  Enjoy it while it lasts.

    4. At my school the lunch time was the same for every grade bc that way if students need to see teachers they are all available. But it maybe different for your school.

    5. People usually just wear school colors or school shirts ( i never did, my friends and i usually snuck out of these things-we didn't like them)-don't go all out, you'll look like a pyscho.  But be involved in school, like in clubs and sports-colleges like this a lot.

    6.  Your clothes reflect who you are- if you try to blend in, people will just tone you out-you'll be like everyone else.  But yeah, they where all those logos.  Just don't go like your begging for attention like some freshman do--you'll just be made fun of. Go calm, cool, and collected. Like your a mature person that knows she's there to study and to make some new friends all the way.

    And last of all, Have fun--trust me it goes by so fast, and before you know it-your sitting here like me, making you schedule for the first semester for college.  

    be confident, no one want to be around a negative person-be positive and let your awesome personality shine through!

  6.'s so cute that you are starting high school

    I'm going to be in the 11th grade(junior) when school starts back. can get lunch from school..but you might not like it so maybe you should bring money for the machines.

    2.i always just bring a notebook and pen on the first day of school

    ....but it's up to you

    3.some upperclassmen will probably have classes with you all

    through the year

    4.idk where you stay so there is no grantee

    but at just about every high school

    there is more than one lunch period

    and each one is made up of a random selection

    of freshmen,sophomores, juniors, and seniors. far as pep rallys go..for my freshmen year i went all out

    and did wacky spirit stuff...but last year i just wore my school colors

    it's up to you..just do what feels right. can dress however you want

    like you did in middle school

    or more laid back

    but for me i switched it up

    in middle school i dress really

    laid back

    but once i got to high school

    i started dressing up my

    woredrobe more

    but really idk what i wear as long

    as i look diffrent from everyone else

    well good luck with high school

    if you ever have anymore questions you can email


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