
Starting high school!OMG!?

by Guest56974  |  earlier

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i'm stating high school and how should i act on the first day?

thanx for the help!




  1. be yourself!

  2. Congratulations! Like everyone is saying, be yourself ALWAYS. Please don't try to get in the popular crowd right off that bat...if you're in it, great, but you absolutely don't need to be in it to be well known in HS. Plus, everyone hates the popular crowd!!!

    I think you will gravitate towards the right type of friends for you depending on who's in your classes, lunch, and sports/activities. Again, be yourself. I'm not gonna lie, it is nerve-racking the first day of school, cause you're really unfamiliar with the school's flow and the people there. Everyone is older than you. But trust me, it gets better with time.

    Don't mess with the upperclassman. Don't act like you own the place. Others (depending on their maturity) will show you respect if you do this.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Just be yourself, and don't try to act like someone you're not.  People can see through fakeness right away.  It can be nervous starting a new school, but just relax and be fine.  It's not much harder than middle school, which you survived.  Just join a sport, or a club, something so you can meet new friends and meet people that didn't go to your middle school

  4. act like you would act on any other day. there is no reason to be something you are not in high school. i learned it the hard way. in 7th grade you were considered to be in high school, i blew off all my friends and tried to be with the "in" crowd. i tried this the whole year but they shunned me, and they only talked to me when absolutely necessary, when i finally figured out that they werent going to accept me i tried to go back to my old friends and i found that they werent as accepting to take me back, and i had to earn the respect i once gained. just dont be something your not. you dont need to impress anyone, and if you are happy then that is what matters

  5. like you know what your doing, don't bring attention to the fact your a freshman. don't fret it too much. kids who look nervous are just an easy target for laughter

  6. be yourself and be confident... Good luck.  

  7. you act like yourself.  

  8. Relax, i'm seventeen, i remember what it's like on the first day of high school,and i know your not going to relax.... so heres some advice. everyone tells you to be yourself and that's kind of stupid when you think about it. Don't let people take advantage of you and stick to your thoughts and stuff, but branch out and try new things, you might be surprised. talk to the person next to you in class, make the first move with a person alone. If your more of a shy person, then just smile a little at people who look at you and they will probably start talking. Just be a sort of neutral person, because you have plenty of time to make a statement. And if you have friends in your classes, DON'T act like your stuck to them, cuz then people won;t approach you as much. Don't be happy-annoying and don't be too hyper of s****. or know it all. Just be kind of casual, that's really all you need!

  9. be yourself.. nothing fake.. high schoolers can spot fakeness easily

  10. relax, dont be nervous, and high school is going to be fun. going to be the best four years of ur life. be nice to the seniors. lol and good luck =]

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