
Starting home schooling in wisconsin.?

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So my mother and I have looked in online homeschooling recently because I've been diagnosed with depression and a sleeping disorder. I've messed a lot of days so we thought we would with draw me from school. So our question is how do we tell the school? on the HSLDA is says state requires parental notification only. So does my mom need to just write on a piece of paper that she approves of me getting home schooled? or do we need to print something of the internet to fill out?




  1. To legally homeschool in Wisconsin, your mother should submit Form PI-1206 to the Wisconsin Department of Education by October 15, 2007.  A link with information on obtaining the form is below:

    I hope your health improves and wish you well with homeschooling.

  2. im doing home schoolin.. already for 3years now, & i think it's awesome. betta then goin to skool, u get more educational & have more free time to hang with more ppl!!/ friends/family.

  3. See your districts superintendant.

    p.s. Sleep problems can cause depression.

  4. Hi, I am in Illinois and have homeschooled my children for the past 10 years- this is the youngest's last year. The requirement here is also just parental notification. Every year I fill out a paper that states the following things:

    1) Name, address, date of birth, and social security number of each child.

    2) Subjects being taught and a list of educational materials such as specific text books, computer programs, workbooks etc...

    3) How many hours each day that we devote to classroom time.

    4) Any reading assignments or books that we are planning to read that year

    5) Any educational fieldtrips that we are planning to take that year and the purpose for each.

    I also have to affirm that my children are living with me and that I am the primary instructor. Illinois requires a certain number of hours each day and a certain number of days in the year to be devoted to school. They also require that core subjects be taught (math, english, history, science...) AND that they be taught in the English language.

    I have several copies made and then have my signature witnessed by a notary public. Then send a copy of each letter of affirmation to- The regional superintendent of schools' office in your location and the office of the principal of the public school that you would have attended.  I also keep a copy for my own records. It sounds complicated but it really isn't. Once you format a blank form to your liking then you can run off several copies and just fill it in every year with the different subjects and materials lists. Hope this helps and good luck!

    edit: yes she will have to go in and withdraw you from public school, they will probably have papers for her to sign. All she has to do is go in to school and tell them that she is going to homeschool you and that she is withdrawing you from their school- likely they will be less than pleased but will co-opereate as they know it is her right to take you out.. as one respondent said..they really hate losing their revenue..but their loss.

  5. my son had a sleep disorder and we took him out, He went from straight F's in the 8th grade to straight A's and B's and graduated with a 3.5 GPA. Once you register with an on line charter school all you have to do is go to your old school fill out the wd forms and put the name and address of the new school you registered with.

    My son graduated from an on line charter school and now attends University of Dayton with scholarships. He was accepted into the physics program there. Home schooling can work if you are self disciplined and do the work. It seems to me that the work is much less than a regular school because it is not repeated over and over as in regular schools.

    Depending on where you live, there are on line charter schools all over . We are currently using K12 for our other 2 children.

    Email me if I can help you more



    "you are being lied to" is a book you can pick up at Barnes and knobles" or online

    please look up David Icke!

    this is a start!

    you are in charge of your own destany!!!!!!!

  7. We recently moved to Wisconsin and since we had home schooled in our previous state, we looked into the Wisconsin regulations.  In the end, we chose the Insight school so that we didn't have to worry about curriculum, attendance and other required paperwork.  It is an on-line, charter school and it is great with LOTS of student and parental support (free, since it is considered a public school).  

    Wisconsin does require a form (it is on the Wisconsin Dept. of Education site) to start homeschooling.  You and/or your mom will need to find out the other requirements, I recommend contacting the folks listed in your area on the HSLDA site as leading members for the association.

  8. When I started homeschooling I registered with the county and went to the grammar school my kids were in and got copies of their files and CTBS tests and informed them of my decision.

    I checked in every year with the county and re-filed, that was the law in CA.

    Hope you do well, my 2 younger kids were homeschooled 5th -through high school.  My son is getting his Bachelor's  from ITT Tech in Computer Sciences at the end of the year and my daughter is taking classes online with Cornell University and has an awesome job in the insurance business.

    Once you get a few college classes or an AA, no employer cares if you were homeschooled or not.. its just a big deal to the public schools they lose money when your gone.

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