
Starting in one day events?

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I would like to do an ODE at my local pony club branch in August, and it'll be my first one. Me and my horse both LOVE jumping, although we don't jump high, only around 2ft 6 - 2ft 9 and we're ok at dressage (getting better though!!) Me and my horse are both fit, and I would really like to have a go at it! I was thinking of entering the 'Mini-Minimus' so the really small one, jumps are only 2ft in the XC and SJ, because it's our first ODE. There's an open section and a restricted (under 11's) so i'll obviously go for the open (i'm 15). Erm, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to get prepared for it? I school and jump Rodney (my gelding) regularly during the week, and hack out for a couple of hours at the weekend, and have a three-quarters-of-an-hour lesson once a week (doing a bit of everything, we're working on flat work at the moment).

so can i have some tips for my first ODE please? stuff about preparation, helping nerves, on the day tips, day before tips, all that lot




  1. Practice your in-between xc jump canter.... shorten to your stirrups and practice standing in your strrups. You can do this in walk, trot and canter on hacks and it will help strengthen and fitten your legs to be strong enough to maintain this around your xc course.

    Also do some fittening work on your pony. He sounds like he has a good basic level but try and increase the fast work. I have also used interval training... ie trot for 5 minutes, canter for 2, trot for 5 - be guided by what your horse is able to do at the moment and aim to gradually increase it.

    Don't forget you need your back protector and medical armband for the xc. The armbands are huge so you need to adjust it or experiment with wearing it round your leg to ensure it doesn't slip down during the event.

    I'm sure you will really enjoy it and have great fun. Good luck

  2. hey, i do ode's with the pony club, im competing at 3foot @ the mo but wanna do the intermediate (3foot3) when im ready. Go xc schooling and have a sj lesson before your event just so your prepared. And for your nerves youve just got to think confident and just think it isnt that big and you can do it. Everyone gets nervous before events, u will be fine once youve got going. Try to get your dressage test accurate cus being accurate is where you pick up the marks. Good luck! x

  3. First of all learn and practice your test.  No one will be allowed to help you on the day.

    Second make sure your horse is well shod and he is generally healthy.  When training always insist on correct paces even when out hacking.  Keep checking yourself for position etc then it will become natural.

    Remember horse should wear just a snaffle during dressage and stronger for XC and SJ if necessary.  Boots and overreach boots are a necessity for XC and SJ only if necessary.  I would not recommend bandages as these could tighten after water or slip, both can be devastation to a horses legs.

    When the day comes.  School for a while just to get your horse attentive and iron out any other issues later on, not on the day.  You want horse to remain alm.

    Walk the course while horse is resting and then come and back and start warming up, walk, trot, canter, no galloping.  Ride each fence carefully, determined and individually.  Time can be made up fromfence combinations.

  4. Sounds fun I wish you all the luck :) I've only competed in the longer 3 day vision but you can see if any of my hints are useful ^^


    in the jumping it's a great preparation to jump fillers, the odder the better, we used to drag out Christmas tree under the jump in preparation, buckets, teddies anything you can think off, it's good to have a horse that doesn't get spooked just because there is something odd about the jump.

    when hacking it really good to work on getting your horse into cross country canter and then back in collected canter with out hesitation. for the long hauls in the cross country between the jumps

    At the show: Remember protection, both for you and the horse, don't forget to ride with a vest :) I tape up boots, girth and reins for the cross-country, I also use an extra leather girth over the saddle in case the normal girth breaks. Though I doubt you'll need to as the cross country part is much shorter for the 1 days.

    The most important thing to remember is have fun enjoy! You don't have to jump every jump in the cross country if you don't want to, if you turn 3 circles your allowed to ride round the jump

  5. See if you could have an extra lesson or two before the show. I normally lesson twice a week for an hour and hack twice a week for 45 minutes, but two weeks before the show I lesson 3 times a week and hack 2 times a week. Make sure you tack is spotless two days before the show, so you don't have any last minute cleaning.

           Bathe your horse the day before the show, and let your horse graze afterwards. I never jump my horse the day before a show, but I work on the flat. My horse has a relaxing day. I ride him early (8:00am), give him a bath, then graze him for an hour, then put him in the paddock for an hour, then in the stall to rest for 3 hours, then grazing for an hour, then back in the stall for the rest of the day. The next day my horse is always calm and happy, but energetic enough to get the courses right.

  6. Go You !

    Im 15 too, And Have Been Doing One Day Events For A Few Years Now.

    Learn The Dressage test properly and go over it only once on Rodney , if you do it more than that then he will get used to the routine and will become bored and distrcated. Dont go too fast in the jumping as its no faults that counts not time. In the cross country make sure you analyse the course properly as you walk it, e.g. the turns and angles to jumps etc, when you are on an uphill or a stretch of land with no jumps push Rodney on a little faster to make up for time

    On the day just remeber, your there to have fun. You dont want to win it, you want to have a good clear go round and at the end you want to have a smile on your face. One Day Events has its ups and downs. I eventually won the 2ft 3 one day event on a FELL PONY! So now we have to move up to 2ft 9. Keep the jumps small to start with until you are completey happy to move up !

    Good Luck, Let Me Know How You Do !

  7. I just had my first mini event last month and it was a blast! You're going to have SO much fun! It was both mine and the horse's first event. We did the pre-novice, like you, (max 2 ft.). Considering you're doing one of the lower levels, stamina conditioning isn't as important, but once you get to the next level, start doing some conditioning work for XC. My conditioning program is 3 min walk, 15 min trot, 3 min walk, 3 min canter (bad way), 3 min walk, 3 min canter (good way), 3 min walk, 3 min canter (bad way) walk out. then raise it by 15-30 sec every week or two. Memorize your dressage test, but don't practice it too much on your horse, otherwise he will memorize it too and then he will mess up the test at the show from anticipating the movements at certain points. For jumping, practice at least how wide and high the XC jumps will be, and even higher and wider so you are even more prepared for the jumps. Make a check list for everything you need and go over it twice before you leave! Don't let nerves get to you, just focus on jumping safe! Don't fous on competing against everyone else. Just compete against yourself. Set a goal for yourself and each time you compete, try to do it a little better!  You may want to lightly ride him around the grounds if it is possible one you get there to acclimate him to his new environment. He is most likely going to be looky, so just be prepared for it. Hm, I guess that's about it! Good luck, be safe, and just have fun! I'm so excited for you!

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