
Starting martial arts?

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If I start martial arts this weekend, how long will it actually take me to be able to strongly defend myself from an attacker? How long will it take me to become fluent with the moves and be able to coordinate them precisely?

Just wondering, because I was considering taking up Tae Kwon Do or Jiu-Jitsu.

Please no estimates, I'm looking for answers from experienced people! Thanks so much!




  1. It took me 2 weeks to earn my white belt so it may be at least a year from now until you can do that. You have to skillfully learn your moves.

  2. You have asked a question that no one can answer. No one on here knows you aptitude. No one on here knows your physical limitations. No one on her knows how much time and effort you are going to put in. We don't know your training habits or frequency.

    Everyone learns at a different pace. I've seen people that have been able to defend themselves after a few lessons and others that take much longer. It depends on the person. I've seen many that I don't think should be in martial arts. Not because they don't have the ability to learn, but because they don't have the desire to learn. I have spoken with the parents of some of those students attempting to find out if the parent are making them learn martial arts or does the child really want to learn. We try to convince those parents to take those student out of martial arts until they have a desire to learn. They aren't getting much out of the class when they are forced to come and they aren't trying to learn and become better. They are wasting their time and mines.

  3. It depends on you. Some people learn faster then others, or are more committed. The individual controls their own pace.

  4. you could probably be able to defend yourself "decently" in about 8 weeks. To become very fluent, it can take up to 2 years

  5. hmm do Jiu-Jitsu u will enjoy it alot more.. nd to become fluent with movesi would say 3-4 years depending ono how long u do it and howlong u practice.. that is to be able to know ur moves in ya sleep to do it with out hesitations

  6. that is all gonna depend on your attitude about training as well as your dedication

  7. Well i depends on your skill level and you ability to grasp a concept and memorize movements.  Different schools have different requirements for gaining rank.  For me I have been perfecting my martial art skill for three years and i still have two years to go before i get my blackbelt.  Our master has very strict requirements and we are always making new techniques for defense.  Also different styles of martial arts have different difficulties of movments and techniques that may be harder or easier to learn and perfect the movements.  If you are athletic you are more likely to strongly defend yourself and you may be able to grasp the concepts easily.  It varies among people and styles of martial arts.  Taekwondo consists of hand techniques, kicking, and ground techniques.  Jiu-Jitsu consists of mainly ground techniques and grappling.

  8. This realy subjective. I honestly do not think its a good idea to measuring yourself on those terms. Focus on your training and soaking up as much as you can. In do time you will become proficient in your martial art enough to defend yourself from your attacker.

    Knowing martial arts doesnt = protection from thugs and bullys.

  9. Hmmm it really depends on what you can adapt to and feel comfortable using, realistically speaking for jiu-jitsu what techniques you learn you can use immediately,although getting past and enduring break-falling is an other matter as in my experience thats why most people quit.

    Hope this helps best wishes :)***

  10. Well, to become proficient in self defense, we cannot really tell you. It all depends on you and I do not know you. =] To become a master, maybe 4-6 years.

  11. about 3 weeks

  12. It depends entirely on what you bring to class each day. Bring an open mind. Bring a willingness to concentrate and work hard. It won't take long. Some learn faster than others. You should make black belt in about 3 years.

    You should be able to handle some situations in a few months. You should quickly learn how to avoid fighting. The best fight is no fight.
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