
Starting my flying training again after a 5 month gap, what will i start back on??

by  |  earlier

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Im learning to fly in jersey and got up to starting Nav, i have passed my air law exam and have been solo. I had a 5 month gap due to other commitment, etc, etc. i am now back in the air and i start my flying training again tommorow, im worried that i will be serverley backtracked, any ideas if this will be the case, i have had to take a break from flying before but when we went abck, we seemed to just start where we left off.




  1. I would consider a 5 month break to be common - for example across winter in some areas.   If you feel uncomfortable, pay for a check flight telling the instructor you want to be alerted to any points you are missing.

  2. Do not even think about it. Refresh yourself on your procedures and go for your flight after a good night's rest. Flying will come back again as if you never took a break. You may be a bit rusty, but this will clear off after a few minutes in the air.You will not be backtracked so long as you remember your previous lessons and take to the air with a balanced  mind. Remember, flying is like riding a bicycle. You become rusty if you do not ride for some time. It, however, comes back once you are in the saddle once more. Good luck and happy landings.

  3. If I was your instructor, I would probably just do some basic airwork (stalls, steep turns, maybe a ground reference maneuver) and then takeoffs/landings, along with a thorough review of emergency procedures, limitations, V-speeds, etc.  If anything appeared weak, I'd want to go over it with you again at a later date.

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